Got a friend with a 2002 F-250 7.3L, automatic tranny that has been having some trouble. After sitting overnight, or for at least 8 hours, it takes several attempts to start the truck, and then when it does fire off, a huge cloud of blue smoke comes out and then clears right up. When it is turning over, it seems to spin faster than normal. It started on a cold night that it wasn't plugged in, but then on following nights it made no difference. Now that it is starting to get warmer, mid to upper 40's, it is still doing it. Once it is running it runs great and seems to have alot of power. Anybody have any suggestions on what may be wrong? The local Ford dealer says it may be the HPOP, but they would have to take a look at it to tell.Thanks for any suggestions.
The Ford dealer is starting with the most expensive and working their way down, apparently.
Hard and smokey starts in a glow plugged diesel almost always means glow plug issues. My best guess is that your glow plug relay is fritzed. This is a piece of cake, about 50 bucks at Napa.
It is the relay right on top of the engine, I'm sure someone else will have a pic to give you exact locations, but start by locating your oil/water separator, the big round thing right in the valley of the V.
Look left. You'll see two relays. The one that is towards the front of the truck and up higher is the GP relay.
To test your relay to see if it is bad is extremely simple. There are two posts on top of the relay. Go get a good set of jumper cables and jump the posts by using the same cable, one end on one post, one end on the other, so that an electrical current jumps across the relays (thereby bypassing the relay).
Make sure that the cables are free of any moving parts, then go turn your truck on. Wait for the WTS light to go out,and crank. If she starts right up easy and smoke is minimal, then you've found your problem.
No improvement? My next step is checking your glow plugs themselves. Try this first, then post again if it doesn't work, and we'll go over GP diagnosis.
Good luck!