The Squirt Gun works.
Our Cat (Bob) & Dog (Burt) are well aware of my Squirt Gun. They have both been trained by it. It's an "Association" thing:
For Bob: Attack anything ? Get Squirted.... Big Time.
For Burt: Go Psyco cuz the Door Bell rings ? git Nailed... Big, Big Time.
After a Crash Course in Aqua Animal Behaviour Modification.... When they feel the need, or wanta.... Bob takes his Ring-Tailed azz out back, and attacks something/anything, but not us. Door Bell rings ? Burt haulz his little Pure Breed (Kinardly) azz out back'n barks at something/anything, but not the UPS guy.
All is quiet and peacefull IN-SIDE the Casa de Big Joe. Day & Nite
I load it, show it to'm.... they go to the places they like and "Chill", all the while, keep'n an occational eye on the Squirt gun.
Works well in the RV too.