kent- you are not hearing what i am saying.
if you were subpoena as a witness to a trial, would you have the same concerns? i'd think not, especially if it was a court case involving a family member. that is the double standard.
you should take this to the dean or ombudsman at your school, and to the jury coordinator/jury board of your county, not to the class instructor. you are not the first or only one who has extenuating circumstances. you might be surprised how many challenging issues that the school administration has had to deal with. you think that the jury coordinator hasn't heard from the school ever before when a student gets called for duty during finals week?
by your own admission, at the very least, you have to make up your certified class time. yeah well, join the club. that is what most of us have to do when we get called for jury duty. we have to work overtime to make up for the hours of lost pay when we get called. all the law protects you from is loosing your job having to serve.