So this evening I finally go around to replacing the inlet line on the fuel pump and eliminated the QD fitting and the plastic line. I went and bought some fuel injection hose from o'rileys and it took me about 30 min. Also finally found a fitting that was a 90* elbow for my fuel gauge, only problem is that its galvanized pipe (is that ok?)
Anyways, after doing this I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that after doing this and shimming my problem is almost COMPLETELY GONE!!! I still get a little bit of smoke and a miss when i really rev it, but its nowhere near what it used to be. With a full tank, and the fitting replaced, I'm sitting at a steady 69psi at idle (after a min or 2). I'm still gonna raise the issue with Jody because I think something still isnt quite right. I will say that I felt a real seat of the pants difference in doing these 2 mods. My truck really picks up a lot smoother and quicker than it used to. I really dont notice any flat spots in accelerating like i used to from time time.
Your comments...ever seen this before?

Jmo JR but I'd get rid of the galvanized.. #2 DF inherently has H2O in it= Rust issues, long term.
A smoother idle, less cackle and improved overall throttle response is typical when you eliminate the Air from ANY of these PSD fuel systems.
Glad it worked for ya.