Help Needed IPR/IPR Sensor/ICP???


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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So this evening I finally go around to replacing the inlet line on the fuel pump and eliminated the QD fitting and the plastic line. I went and bought some fuel injection hose from o'rileys and it took me about 30 min. Also finally found a fitting that was a 90* elbow for my fuel gauge, only problem is that its galvanized pipe (is that ok?)

Anyways, after doing this I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that after doing this and shimming my problem is almost COMPLETELY GONE!!! I still get a little bit of smoke and a miss when i really rev it, but its nowhere near what it used to be. With a full tank, and the fitting replaced, I'm sitting at a steady 69psi at idle (after a min or 2). I'm still gonna raise the issue with Jody because I think something still isnt quite right. I will say that I felt a real seat of the pants difference in doing these 2 mods. My truck really picks up a lot smoother and quicker than it used to. I really dont notice any flat spots in accelerating like i used to from time time.

Your comments...ever seen this before?

;tu After doing these two mods it often takes a few engine hours to purge any remaining air from the fuel system. Eliminating the source (fitting) and increasing the psi purges any air pockets.. so to speak

Jmo JR but I'd get rid of the galvanized.. #2 DF inherently has H2O in it= Rust issues, long term.

A smoother idle, less cackle and improved overall throttle response is typical when you eliminate the Air from ANY of these PSD fuel systems.

Glad it worked for ya.



Senior Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Houston, TX
;tu After doing these two mods it often takes a few engine hours to purge any remaining air from the fuel system. Eliminating the source (fitting) and increasing the psi purges any air pockets.. so to speak

Jmo JR but I'd get rid of the galvanized.. #2 DF inherently has H2O in it= Rust issues, long term.

A smoother idle, less cackle and improved overall throttle response is typical when you eliminate the Air from ANY of these PSD fuel systems.

Glad it worked for ya.


Yea I need to find a better fitting too...thats just all the store had and I was tired of having to climb up on top of the motor and use a mirror to see my fuel pressure! Could i use a piece of hose and put it in a better location under the hood so i can see it?

Assuming I keep my tank full, are there any other areas where there is a tendency for it to suck air in? I still cannot believe this improved it so much.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Yea I need to find a better fitting too...thats just all the store had and I was tired of having to climb up on top of the motor and use a mirror to see my fuel pressure! Could i use a piece of hose and put it in a better location under the hood so i can see it?

Assuming I keep my tank full, are there any other areas where there is a tendency for it to suck air in? I still cannot believe this improved it so much.

There are kits with bracketry, hose and the fittings, to mount yer FP gauge.. anywhere you want it. (Mine is on the A pillar in the cab)

The inlet and in-tank fittings are the main two air leakers.. but there are also some issues with where the return line ends in the tank... it's very close to the pick up (Duckbill) foot, if there Is any air in the fuel... yer proly recirculating it. The fix there is to do the "Hutch" mod. Kits are available thru SDD sponsors. And while yer doing that (?), cut off the in-tank vent tube ("Harpoon" mod).... makes for getting that last 5 gallons in, at fill up.. a snap. And.... while yer doing that (?).. an 1 5/8" hole saw will cut the re-stricter thingy out of the fill pipe.. that way, you can use the "Big Truck" fuel pump nozzles. No waiting.

It never ends JR :lmao

The temp fix for now would be: Fill up at a Halfa tank, minimum.

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early 99 stroker

Full Access Member
Jan 24, 2008
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White Mt's NH
sounds like your getting ahead of it now..good deal..and good thinking Joe..;tu did you hear from Jody yet? the in tank mod is a great idea.and is most likely your problem..I assumed you had already done the supporting mods..ICP will read high and ruff when fuel is gelling up..ITP has a good kit with a spin on baldwin 10 micron filter/water takes the screen out of the tank as well as the mixing also moves the return line to one end of the tank away from the pick up tube..for some reason Ford thought it would be good for winter drivers to have warm fuel return where the pump draws from..all it does is mix air with fuel..I ran the ITP kit up here 3 years now.not once have I gelled..hell I don't even have the stock fuel bowl with the heater in it..we get a good 3 weeks strait of 20 to 30 bellow 0 id say your safe..for the harpoon mod..the fill tube and the vent tube cut very nice with a PVC ratchet slick as ****...Home depot and lows has in there pluming isle for around 10 can use 1/4" hydraulic hose for a PSI gauge..Napa, IH places like that make it..check out my gauge..I will be making these soon to will be a complete buy and install kit..let me what you on the pic to see more of it..



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Jun 18, 2007
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Houston, TX
yes I'm glad to see its helping that I did this, but I'll still occassionally get it to hicup a bit. If I keep my tank full, I would in theory be keeping it from sucking air right? Its gonna take some courage to try and tackling dropping the tank.

I've seen that ITP kit before...nice but holy moooly is it pricey!!! How hard are the in-tank mods to do? Is it difficult to drop the tank? That looks like one heck of a project to take on!

Ron, I've seen your gauge before...very very nifty!!! It makes things simple becuase you dont have to worry about spraying fuel in your cab, yet you can still see it while youre driving.

This all makes sense now about the dealership saying it was maxing out my MAP sensor...its sensing a lot more air than it should becuase its getting more than it should!

early 99 stroker

Full Access Member
Jan 24, 2008
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White Mt's NH
the kit is pricey.. I got mine 3 years ago for 80 can be made with parts from a parts store..I have pix scattered someplace.. ill look when I get home...the job isn't all that hard to do and the gains will be well worth it... yes you do have air still getting in there..if you have not done this mod yet..the return line is dumping fuel right next to the feed line in the tank making bubbles for the pick up tube to take..also the fittings on the tank allows air to be ingested as well..remember its under suction right there so you wont see a leak..but trust me its there...
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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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the kit is pricey.. I got mine 3 years ago for 80 can be made with parts from a parts store..I have pix scattered someplace.. ill look when I get home...the job isn't all that hard to do and the gains will be well worth it... yes you do have air still getting in there..if you have not done this mod yet..the return line is dumping fuel right next to the feed line in the tank making bubbles for the pick up tube to take..also the fittings on the tank allows air to be ingested as well..remember its under suction right there so you wont see a leak..but trust me its there...

X2 on what Ron Sez.

If yer guna do these mods ?.. it's good idea to go to the SDD sponsor sites and print their Install Instructions. Mentally walk yerself thru the install several times BEFORE you start. Crawl under yer truck and familiarize yerself with what the install pics show. Think it all through several times.

It sounds like a Major Deal.. but it's not, once yer ready.

A Helper, Helps.

But FWIW :dunno : Simply (and fer cheap) shimming the FPR to 70(ish) psi, Replacing the FP inlet fitting and installing a HPX oil line.. can make a significant difference on how these 7.3s run (and sound).

We're talk'n >3< Benificail Mods fer under a 100 bucks ?



Senior Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Houston, TX
she's running much bettter now. I have not done the in tank mods yet, and probably wont get to for a month or so...just so darn busy.

I think i definitely need to do them though becuase when i really lay into it without easing into just doesnt feel like its got the power it should...and i think its probably not getting the fuel it should.

In any case...hands down...replacing the inlet hose on the fuel pump and shimming the pressure up helped dramatically! My mom even noticed how much smoother it was!

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