Don’t forget the other unnecessary and unwanted plugins that come with Wife 1.0. The following are just a few…
1.) “Not tonight, I have a headache” version 24.7.365
2.) “Shopping Spree” version 7.0 (from Chapter 11 of the Wife 1.0 code book)
3.) “Stop spending money on your truck” version 2 (since it is my second Powerstroker)
4.) “You’re NOT using our new camper to go hunting/fishing” beta version (actual version to be released this fall, right around the start of hunting season)
5.) “My wedding ring just lost another diamond” version 6 (yes, 6. I have easily paid for the ring twice now….)
6.) “Nagging about working too long of hours/not doing the laundry/not doing the dishes/not finishing the home improvement project/needing new furniture/mowing the lawn/hunting too much/fishing too much/whatever else you can think of” VERSION INFINITY
Yet somehow, Wife 1.0 has managed to download another plugin that I like the most, which is “despite all of the above, she still loves me and I still love her and I can’t imagine life without her, so all of it is worth it” version 1.
It is still fun to laugh, though. I forwarded that website on to her, I’m sure she’ll get a kick out of it.