I ran across crazy prices on everything during my 10 month life in Florida. The worst part was the pay scale in Florida is $5 hour lower there than here. All they could say was "In Florida you get payed with Sunshine" I moved back to my free Texas Sunshine shorty after.

Unless you've been here you don't realize "Texas, it's like a whole nother country" We reserve the right as Texans too leave the union and become our own country. We can fly our flags the same height as the American flag, our capitol building is taller than the US capitol building because someone in DC made it a challenge and we're bull headed. We also carry guns legally and shoot criminals if we can legally justify it. Come on down and stay a while, all the yankees are!

We only have our politicians meet once every two years for law making because that's all they're good for anyway. I'm sure some other Native Texans will chime in on our great state.