CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
I just finished my finals today. That means I'm now 75% complete in my schooling to get my A&P certificate.
One of my instructors is involved with the local EAA chapter. The A&P mechanic at the airport is an EAA member also. The two got to talking and the mechanic extended an offer to have an aircraft maintenance student follow him (apprentice) while school is out for the holidays. It sounded like an offer to good to pass up! So I'm jumping on it faster than a bunch of frat house guys on a stack of free pizzas & beer.
It should be interesting. We're going to be doing an annual inspection on a Cessna just like one I did an inspection on about 2 weeks ago in school. I'll also get to put to practice for real, doing a differential compression test that we studied just last Monday. It'll be neat working on a flyable airplane for a change instead of something that last flew 20 years ago.
In case you're wondering, I won't touch a tool to the airplane without the guy being right there observing everything I do. It should be a good deal for him too. I do all the work, he doesn't have to pay me, and all he has to do is watch!!
One of my instructors is involved with the local EAA chapter. The A&P mechanic at the airport is an EAA member also. The two got to talking and the mechanic extended an offer to have an aircraft maintenance student follow him (apprentice) while school is out for the holidays. It sounded like an offer to good to pass up! So I'm jumping on it faster than a bunch of frat house guys on a stack of free pizzas & beer.
It should be interesting. We're going to be doing an annual inspection on a Cessna just like one I did an inspection on about 2 weeks ago in school. I'll also get to put to practice for real, doing a differential compression test that we studied just last Monday. It'll be neat working on a flyable airplane for a change instead of something that last flew 20 years ago.
In case you're wondering, I won't touch a tool to the airplane without the guy being right there observing everything I do. It should be a good deal for him too. I do all the work, he doesn't have to pay me, and all he has to do is watch!!