living well in Texas
thanks for the video
that is a great looking aircraft
the paint job really makes it look swift
looks like in addition to the winglets they added a more piercing nose cone, but it could just be the picture
you took advantage of a great learning experience, and by what you stated, you wont forget it anytime soon
alot of folks aren't willing to go "volunteer" their time to learn.
hands on helps so much, doing it on a training device just cant replace the feeling you get form doing it on a real operational aircraft

that is a great looking aircraft
the paint job really makes it look swift
looks like in addition to the winglets they added a more piercing nose cone, but it could just be the picture
you took advantage of a great learning experience, and by what you stated, you wont forget it anytime soon

hands on helps so much, doing it on a training device just cant replace the feeling you get form doing it on a real operational aircraft