A leaking fuel valve is easilly repairable. All it takes is some new o-rings and a tool for the torx-bit screws that hold it to the fuel filter housing. You can save some money if you get the o-rings from an International truck dealer vs going to a Ford dealer. A decent auto parts place should be able to match them up by size.
As for the shaking, assuming the engine is fully warmed up, it sounds to me like an injector may not be firing. It could be a bad injector or something as simple as a loose wiring connector. The connectors Under the Valve Covers, refered to as the UVC connectors are notorious for working loose. This condition is so common that Ford came out with some little wedges that when installed hold the connectors together better.
You can trouble shoot the problem by having someone with a suitable analyzer do an injector buzz test and cylinder contribution test.