Just to clarify,
I have nothing against Unions. I was an IBEW member for 6 years.
I take exception with unions like UAW that cripple the American economy with their demands of exhorbitant benefits and wages. Be reasonable. Lack of such just puts us all at a disadvantage. I will never tolerate a UAW member complaining about their job being sent to Mexico, because they, and only they, are responsible for it. You can say the taxes in America are such that they are causing the American businesses to leave, but look at total expenditures for a corporation by Ford. i think you will be suprised at how little the tax burden is in comparison to the burden for all of the fringes and upkicks for the union labor.
Anway, I guess I've said enough, and I am sure so many of you hate me now it is not funny, but if you really think about it, you'll find that there is more truth to what I've said than not. I am not a bad person, just a person that thinks that no person should get more than they are worth, and that a person's worth is determined by how hard they work to earn it, not by the efforts of a union to ensure their entitlement to it. By how hard they work to earn it, I mean training, skill, education, not how hard they work at the job all day. There are people working at McDonalds that bust their butt every day, but will never get anything more than minimum wage. There is no more skill to working at McDonalds than putting a window crank in a pickup door, yet the McDonald's employee gets $6 an hour and no bennies, while the Ford employee gets $32 an hour and better bennies than most people could ever dream of.