architect-builder said:
Just saw the latest "cover my ass" commercial from Mr. Ford. Guy should run for Senate. JMO.
Would love to be reading his mind why he's saying that crap, "(well, im basically firing 25,000 to 30,000 people, ruining their lives, closing factories and possibly causing permanent damage to their towns, but.....)"
Anyone else see it? -popcorn
Or he could do like GM and give the employees gold-plated benefit packages in perpetuity, and NOT fire anyone, ever, until the company goes bankrupt.

Then ALL the towns lose factories, and ALL the people lose their jobs...
Anybody ever read "Atlas Shrugged"? Gm sort of started to remind me of 20th Century Motors there for a while.
I wish to heck that the unions and the companies could find a happy medium. The Unions need to understand that their continuing demands for more and more put a strain on the companies, the net result of which is that instead of everybody having a job with decent benefits, a lot fewer have a job, but their benefits package is so good that the EMPLOYEE gets paid whenever he goes to the doctor. I pay copays and deductibles. Why do the unions think that their people shouldn't have to?
This continuing movement towards entitlement in all parts of our society will eventually cause all of the innovators and companies to close doors, just like in the book "atlas Shrugged", only, instead of the great minds getting together and hiding out to create a bold, new, ownership society (where you actually EARN what you get, instead of being ENTITILED to it) once the present society collapsed, in this day and age, I think they will just go to Mexico or India.
There are plenty of jobs out there, and as much as it would hurt for me to lose my job, I certainly would not expect the company to hold onto me if my division was not making them the money they needed to keep operating. It is a Catch-22 for the Ford guys. Keep them on, go bankrupt, and EVERYBODY loses their job. OR, fire the people working in the areas of your company with the least return on overhead, and keep the rest of them in a job.
OR, (and this will never happen, but who knows?) PAY the employees a salary COMMENSURATE with what they are doing (generally a high-school educated, mildly skilled or no skill needed type position) and give them decent benefits that require copays and deductibles, so that they keep some of the burden of the health care expense (a cost that is rightfully theirs to bear) and take some burden off of the company. There are guys on the assembly lines at GM running the levers on a stamp machine making more than most 10-year college graduates make, getting the best benefits I've ever seen doing a job you could LITERALLY train a monkey to do.
I feel bad for the people that are losing their jobs, but their efforts to be "taken care of" have backfired. They made their bed, through their Union, now let them sleep in it. Maybe in a few years, they will take their job back happily, only under more reasonable terms from the company.
I know a lot of people will see me as an absolute jerk for what I just said, but you cannot have a Utopia. We all need to pay our way, and if we are not doing so, then none of us need to be suprised when the pink slip arrives in our mailbox. And yes, you can be in a position where you can work your BUTT off and still not pay your own way. If the total amount of product you produce in a day does not exceed the cost of having you there, then you have failed to pay your own way. The auto industry in America has seen a big influx of this sort of situation, where Ford is actually losing money in the processing of a lot of it's essentail parts. Parts where they make a profit make up for only so much of that before they are losing money.
I applaud the Ford CEO for his decision. I am sure he did not make it with a light heart, and I know I would have trouble sleeping after I did it, but i could only find comfort int eh fact that in doing so, I had safeguarded ten times the jobs that I just cut.
Now, to the CEO's making obscene salaries, that is another story, and another situation where I think they will soon find themselves replaced by people (or gorups of people) that can do the same job, and take less money, so I am pretty sure that these huge salaries will go away soon, as soon as the corporations realize that they are not getting 15 million a year in utility out of one guy.