Please take this in the manner it is offered....
When you say FEMA should be paying...
you mean to say WE should be paying, correct ?
I for one, am concerned about the solvency of the Federal Govt and the absurd amount of taxes I have to throw away each year, month, day....
just like Social Security, the monies WILL run out....
I hope it's not mine first !!!!!
How many people are you willing to support ?
I have family I would rather support than some 350 pound unwed mother of four in New Orleans...
How about this ?
When the blizzards hit the north a few weeks ago and thousands were without power and services... should the federal government have paid all their bills ?
I think charity should be charity, not a lifelong 9or generation to generation) endowment - is that weird of me ?
And I'm a nice guy