diesel gonna be over $5 a gallon!!!!!???


Earl needs B100
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
95_stroker said:
No long response required, the government doesnt control the price of fuel, nor does big oil. Its not Bush's fault nor is it Exxon/Mobils fault, oil is a publicly bought and sold commodity on the stock market. Supply and demand and global economic factors influence the price as well. Iran (one of the largest oil producing countries in the world) just successfully enriched uranium for the first time, there is going to be a nuke showdown with them, if they get pissy and decide to turn off the oil, its going to get expensive. None of Irans oil comes here but, the world oil market still cannot withstand the loss without it driving global prices up. Venezuela, our fourth largest oil importer is on really crappy terms with us right now. Another factor to add into the oil pricing equation. And there are many many many other factors that play into it as well. But nobody wants to take a moment to look beyond thier own personal pocketbook to find out what they are, all they want to do is moan and complain at the pump and find someone (govt) or a group of someones (big oil) to lay blame on.

I've got an answer but the country's not ready for it. Biodiesel and Ethanol.

Take the corn that other starving countries won't eat because it's genetically modified(BTW everyone in US eats GM crops) and make ethanol. Biodiesel is making a big push but needs alot of help. Soy beans are good for alot of things.:D


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Cora, Wy
its not the USA that wants to nuke anybody. We have a rogue country (a very oil rich rogue country at that) out there operating outside of the guidlines of UN policies. This isnt us just getting a fancy to go and stir up the sand box.


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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the nuke 'em option was wild incendiary speculation by a nameless leftwing lib rag based on little if any reliable information. I dont think any politician would seriously consider, much less verbalize, a nuclear response. A few naval lauched missiles with normal heads would easily take out their plants. That paper editor should be flogged publically.


Mar 28, 2005
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Cora, Wy
Just for claification, my nuke reference is only to the fact that Iran now has the capabilities to enrich uranium. They are doing this no doubt to produce nuclear weapons, not for an atomic energy program. This is why I said there will be a nuclear showdown, bottom line is the cold war will be back on very soon.


Señor Aceite de Soja
Apr 1, 2005
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Northern California
It was during the Carter administration that the problems with Iran began when the US granted asylum to the Shah. Then our hostages were taken. This led to the defeat of Carter's re-election. Then Reagan gets elected. Then war breaks out between Iran and Iraq. Reagan decides to help Iraq by furnishing planes and satellite photos of the Iranian troops locations to tip the balance in Iraq's favor. Iran lost the war. Khomeini faced a public that had been demoralized by massive casualties and a peace agreement which amounted to an outright defeat. To cheer up the masses Khomeini issued a fatwa, or religious edict, calling on Muslims everywhere to kill an obscure author named Salman Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses. Then the 1983 bombings in Lebanon (US Embassy and Beirut barracks) and Iran's support for Hamas & Hezbollah from Syria to Lebanon to The Gaza Strip. First car bombers then the birth of suicide bombers as seen by many incidences of carnage in Israel. Khomeini holds much responsibility for the rise of international terrorism and attacks on U.S. interests. Iran sponsored several conferences in the late 1980s, which brought together the leadership of several Islamic extremist groups, including the future leaders of al Qaeda. Tehran attempted to place itself squarely at the center of the world of terrorism, with qualified success. Although Khomeini succeeded in provoking and supporting some terrorism overseas, the Iranian effort was overshadowed by the rise of al Qaeda in the mid-1990s, under the leadership of his fellow crazy ideologue, bin Laden.
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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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scoutman77 said:
don't know about you all but I would adjust. just like I did when gas prices tripled. try to save money elsewhere, not go as much, go local when I go camping, etc. etc. maybe take the tent rather than the camper.:nutkick:

I agree with yer line of think'n.

Do we wana take the FW out this weekend.....? or do we want 15/20 dollars worth of Pizza tonite ? (would off-set the increased fuel prices)

Do we wana buy that new 2500/3000 dollar 52", HD, Wide Screen TV ? (the 32" Flat screen works just fine) Or do we wana go on Vacation this summer ?

Choices, Adjustments & Sacrifices. Something we, as a Nation & Peopole, are not real comfortable, having to do.

It started with 9-11. It aint over Yet.

With the World situation the way it is..... And I hate to be a purveyor of Doom & Gloom..... But it COULD get Uglier.. Soon. Sooner than we think.

>>CHINA<< is the one to watch. Iran, with Radical Religious Zelots in control of nuclear weapons ? Korea... the same, and can't feed itself ? It Aint Over Yet folks.

We may look back in a couple years and say: 'Member when Dezel was only 5 bucks a gallon ?? ( I 'member when it was only 22 Cents...A gallon)

Just My:2c



Full Access Member
Jun 26, 2005
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A one Cent Per Gallon, Per month tax on all fuel made from Petroleum [That’s 12 cent a year for those of you who can’t add] on top of the existing tax (No matter what it is used for Trains, Planes, Trucks or Home Heating Oil) would cure most if not all our problems with our dependence on OIL!! It would take years to affect the real price of Oil on the high side. That would give our Auto makers time to develop the next Generation of Fuel. It would also drive down demand and make a glut of oil on the market in a short time One year or so!!

I burn about 4,500= ($11,250.00) gallons of Diesel a year so it would really affect me. I would gladly pay that price to keep from having our military in Harms way!!

Bio-Diesel---I'm trying to do my Part. I'm running homemade B20 in 2 of my Superdutys!!

If Diesel in your area is say, $2.59.9 and you have a Sam’s Wholesale Club within Driving Distance you can make it happen.

32 Gallons of Diesel @ $2.59.9 = $83.16
8 Gallons of 100% Soybean Oil @ $2.88 = $23.04
$106.21 for 40 Gallons

40 Gallons of That mixture would average $2.65.5 per gallon!!

BTW: the higher the price of the Diesel the closer the average cost!!

That is really only 5.6 cent Higher!!

The less money going to Arabs and Oil Companies the better, I say!!

It beats sending money to Known Terrorist in the Middle East! That's where we get 20% of the oil we use.
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High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
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Sewanee, TN
I did the math. On an average fill up, I save a WHOPPING $1.00 per tank! :jerk: Is it REALLY worth my trouble to homebrew B20 to save $3.00 per month, considering I live 40 miles from the nearest Sam's Club? Not hardly. If I want B20 I can get it, but I have a 100 mile round trip to get it. Again, hardly worth the effort. When I bought this truck, #2 was selling at $2.35. Today it sells at $2.80. Again, not worth taking a gun to the Beast and putting it out of its misery. Honestly, do ANY of you remember what kind of fuel economy those big block gassers get? You'll probably break even on fuel costs. But factor in the cost of that NEW truck payment, also remember the fact that you won't have that low end grunt to pull things anymore... need I go on?-popcorn

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