diesel gonna be over $5 a gallon!!!!!???


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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whatabudro said:
Blah Blah, first post on that link was April Fools Day:rolleyes:

if you read further even the original poster says it is not an april fools post.


SDD STAFF/Moderator
Apr 6, 2005
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I had an interesting discussion with my fuel supplier here at work last month about ULSD. He said he didn't think the price would go up much when the new law goes into effect. I am skeptical though.

I further discussed the high cost of fuel with him. He said because there hasn't been a new refinery built in the last 30yrs production capabilty has gone down and demand has gone up. He claimed that demand is now equal to 100% of the refining capacity and that now any time a plant goes down for maintenance, is damaged by a huricane or fire demand is higher than the supply level...............hence a sharp increase in the price of fuel.

All the oil in the world does you no good if you cannot refine enough to meet demand.

I then asked him about Exxon profits. Even though he is a Texaco distributor he defended Exxon saying they are only maintaining their 8% profit margin. 8% of $60.00 pbl oil is naturally more then 8% of $20.00 pbl oil. (The cost of a barral of oil is based on world market prices and world market demand) They don't control the cost of a barral of oil. Exxon makes its money on volume..........not GP %.

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Full Access Member
Feb 11, 2006
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don't know about you all but I would adjust. just like I did when gas prices tripled. try to save money elsewhere, not go as much, go local when I go camping, etc. etc. maybe take the tent rather than the camper.:nutkick:

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
Don't worry about it, pal. if diesel ever hit $5 per gallon, losing your truck would be the least of your worries. Our economy would tank, and just like in the '30's, the rest of the world would go with us. What is more, we're so de-stabilized right now with terror, Israel, Iran, N. Korea, etc, that it would almost certainly result in a another BIG war. Especially once an already food, supplies, and cash-strapped North Korea stopped getting any aid from anybody else because they are too busy taking care of their own, and they invade South Korea to get at their comparative wealth, and then probably move on to Japan, etc. Then, Iran takes their lead and invades a fatally weakened Iraq for their oil stocks, and continues into Kuwait and Saudi-arabia. Then, N. Korea makes a pact with Iran, who makes a pact with Syria, Palestine, and a few of the former Soviet Baltic states, and we have ourselves another AXIS power running roughshod over everyone they feel they can get away with, and in the end, we end up having to go to war to put everything back right again, just like we did in the 40's.

Losing your truck would be the least of your worries.

Because the result would be so bad, I'm pretty confident that it will never be allowed to happen. We have technologies, including synthetic fuels, bio fuels, and so on and so forth, that can use coal and plant mass to make fuel for less than $5 a gallon, and with our coal reserves, I think we could synthesize enough fuel to feed our need until something better came along. The combo of the two would (Just a guess) keep fuel down around low 4's per gallon. YOu can bet that it would be rationed, too....

Big K

SDD.com Hacker/Admin
May 11, 2005
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Dallas, Texas
Hoss 350 said:
Don't worry about it, pal. if diesel ever hit $5 per gallon, losing your truck would be the least of your worries. Our economy would tank, and just like in the '30's, the rest of the world would go with us. What is more, we're so de-stabilized right now with terror, Israel, Iran, N. Korea, etc, that it would almost certainly result in a another BIG war. Especially once an already food, supplies, and cash-strapped North Korea stopped getting any aid from anybody else because they are too busy taking care of their own, and they invade South Korea to get at their comparative wealth, and then probably move on to Japan, etc. Then, Iran takes their lead and invades a fatally weakened Iraq for their oil stocks, and continues into Kuwait and Saudi-arabia. Then, N. Korea makes a pact with Iran, who makes a pact with Syria, Palestine, and a few of the former Soviet Baltic states, and we have ourselves another AXIS power running roughshod over everyone they feel they can get away with, and in the end, we end up having to go to war to put everything back right again, just like we did in the 40's.

Losing your truck would be the least of your worries.

Because the result would be so bad, I'm pretty confident that it will never be allowed to happen. We have technologies, including synthetic fuels, bio fuels, and so on and so forth, that can use coal and plant mass to make fuel for less than $5 a gallon, and with our coal reserves, I think we could synthesize enough fuel to feed our need until something better came along. The combo of the two would (Just a guess) keep fuel down around low 4's per gallon. YOu can bet that it would be rationed, too....

Yea, I was thinking somewhere along those lines! :sweet


Mar 28, 2005
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Cora, Wy
No long response required, the government doesnt control the price of fuel, nor does big oil. Its not Bush's fault nor is it Exxon/Mobils fault, oil is a publicly bought and sold commodity on the stock market. Supply and demand and global economic factors influence the price as well. Iran (one of the largest oil producing countries in the world) just successfully enriched uranium for the first time, there is going to be a nuke showdown with them, if they get pissy and decide to turn off the oil, its going to get expensive. None of Irans oil comes here but, the world oil market still cannot withstand the loss without it driving global prices up. Venezuela, our fourth largest oil importer is on really crappy terms with us right now. Another factor to add into the oil pricing equation. And there are many many many other factors that play into it as well. But nobody wants to take a moment to look beyond thier own personal pocketbook to find out what they are, all they want to do is moan and complain at the pump and find someone (govt) or a group of someones (big oil) to lay blame on.


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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ironically, if Hillary Clinton was still president noone would blame him for it! (I would of couse, I hate him).

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