Okay, I was poking a little sarcastic funat those "oil company conspiracy theorists" out there! So many are quick to blame the oil companies when the price goes up, then grow silent when the price drops! Who gets that credit?
Just having a little fun......while beating a dead horse
It really is a serious question though, if anybody feels lead to respond....
I said all along, the problem wasn't with a shortage of fuel, it was a shortage of fuel FUTURES.
The problem is, as you have seen recently with the mortgage industry, commodities futures only take so big of a bubble before it bursts. Plus, you had unscrupulous firms attempting to manipulate the market (..."our experts predict $150/barrel crude by October...")... well heck.. That fuels a run on futures, tightening up availabity, and raising the price.
Then Obama stepped on his weiner.. "the problem isn't that gas is $4.00/gallon, it's how fast it got there"
No, Dorkchop, the problem WAS that gas was $4.00 per gallon...
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