Dallas public schools


Certified Diesel Driver
Apr 6, 2005
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CHPMustang said:
In most cases it should lead back to the teachers and school district why they didn't meet the TAKS:confused:

Come on now Bill. You are telling me that those 15% were paying attention in class, studying on there own, and doing homework and that the reason that they failed to pass the TAKS test was purely the school district or teachers fault. If that were the case I believe that far more than 15% would have failed. I belive that most of the time their faliure leads back to a failure in parenting and setting proper rules and role modeling at home. But now days teachers are expected to be able to teach that part also. :dunno


Jun 12, 2005
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powerboatr said:
whats TAKS? it was BOAT for us
basic XXXX apptitude test? it was dead easy

TAKS is what was linked before, but it is also this: The state of Texas has fallen off the map as far as education goes. So the government stepped in to make a mandated test to make sure that students were capable of moving to the next grade. It's more of the same with government programs. Now instead of teaching kids what they need to learn, they are simply teaching the test. There has even been talk about basing teachers raises off the TAKS results, which would result in more teaching of the test. School is still in here, but it may as well be out, the tests are over and its basically a three week party until the last day. The most interesting part, highly unlikely, is that a strait A student could fail the test and be held back. As big as DISD is you can imagine how many students 15% is.:eek: I would bet money some of that 15% had good enough grades to graduate in the past.


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
whatabudro said:
TAKS is what was linked before, but it is also this: The state of Texas has fallen off the map as far as education goes. So the government stepped in to make a mandated test to make sure that students were capable of moving to the next grade. It's more of the same with government programs. Now instead of teaching kids what they need to learn, they are simply teaching the test. There has even been talk about basing teachers raises off the TAKS results, which would result in more teaching of the test. School is still in here, but it may as well be out, the tests are over and its basically a three week party until the last day. The most interesting part, highly unlikely, is that a strait A student could fail the test and be held back. As big as DISD is you can imagine how many students 15% is.:eek: I would bet money some of that 15% had good enough grades to graduate in the past.

THANKS BRYAN, times have changed
we had to pass class and the boat test, and a failure on either one and you had to take it over or get set back,,,,, I took biology for hmmmmmm three semesters till I got my "failure to communicate" and "my dirt out of bosses ditch " alignment
last one I got an A :D ,
We had pretty concerend teachers for the most part...... there were a few that just plain taught enough to get you buy, they should have been shot
then others flat GOT your ATTNETION and taught you something...:D

and i still cant type


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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it is that "teaching to the test" that lead us to put our daughter in private school this year. Tuition is just staggering though and goes up for 1st grade. To a public school she goes.

Should be interesting next year. She is a very religious little girl and doesnt hesitate to mention something about God. That should give the teachers something to fret over. She is also already reading way ahead of her peers. I just hope she gets a teacher that recognizes where she is and encourages and challenges her.

From the responses I did some searching of real estate online and there seem to be some good housing opportunities in the RISD and Plano ISD that wont have me eating Top Ramen.

Now I guess I just have to decide if I want to move to Dallas again. At least bio is readily available. :sweet (afterall, isnt that what it is all about? :) )


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
I think the DISD problems start at the very top (the school board). It seems that their meetings used to turn into shouting matches all the time, same as the Dallas City Council. You get the impression that everyone wants his part and doesn't want to give in to someone else, just like a bunch of two year olds. You don't hear of all that in Richardson, Plano, Garland, McKinney, Allen, Frisco, Wylie ISD's. Lots, if not all, of these districts have pretty heavy partental involvement.


Full Access Member
May 12, 2005
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We used to get the Dallas School Board and City Council meetings on cable....

I think it was on the Comedy Channel... or maybe Nickelodeon :) :) :)

Sad, Sad, Sad..... the inmates are running the prison....
The only thing successful there is Diversity ! :)


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
JohnBoyToo said:
We used to get the Dallas School Board and City Council meetings on cable....

I think it was on the Comedy Channel... or maybe Nickelodeon :) :) :)

Sad, Sad, Sad..... the inmates are running the prison....
The only thing successful there is Diversity ! :)
I know what you mean. They all get to screaming at each other, then get made when the cops are called in to carry someone out. The person who gets carried out (usually a citizen during the "public comment" time) gets pissed about how they were treated. Oh well, the "joys" of big city politics.

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