this particular unit comes in a 15kw & 17.5kw (rms) peaks are 22250w and 26kw respectively...
they have a 16gal fuel tanks and have 13inch a pinch i cna
take it and 450 & 500lbs ill need some help getting it in the truck
theres a company that sells carberator conversion kits...for about
200 bucks you can convert any small gasoline engine
into tri-fuel (gas, lp & ng) all at the flip of a switch...
ive been looking at this for a while...considered diesel and gas but the
problem w/ those is you have to have so much fuel on hand (3-5days ?)
that it becomes dangerous...and fuel needs to be rotated/used or it
goes bad....when Im w/out 'lectric so are most of the are gas stations.
my thinking is nat gas is not usually shut off (maybe when the houses
are totally blown away ? or under water ?)...our new place has ZERO
pilot lights (on demand gas water heaters, stove, clothes dryer...all piezo
a 12.5kw unit will start a 4ton a/c compressor & the 17.5kw can start a
5ton (reportedly) just interested in having some tv/a couple of lights
a fan and FROZEN food/cold beer...i wanna see my 3 kids panic when
they cant play video games etc
and oh by the way the 17.5kw unit comes w/ CORD and a manual tranfer
panel...the 12k unit doesnt...