pretty dated stuff, we did all this back in 2002 before the FASS and airdog , etc, etc
he obviously hasnt heard of the "complete HUTCH" mod
or texas towncar and a few others to remain nameless.
two guys that spent tons of time and $$ to get a good cackle cure
that was affordable and showed almost instant results. mof the "CURE" works so well it caused areomotive to be out of stock for regulators for about 6 months.
as far as curing cackle... it dont it just smoothes out the engine
cackle could only be removed by replacing injectors before the split shots and ecm programing.if memeory serves go back to "AD" inj vice the "AE"
again some sneaky petes took all the hard work and put together systems for sale to make a great profit and zero thanks to the folks who did all the work.