I used to install these when I worked for Sundowner (Horse trailers). I found the biggest reason for noise was improper install. You can't help the wind noise unless you trim out the flow holes. I think that it lets more light hit the windshield robbing it of that A-Team bad a$$ look. IMHO. There are many options to rid of the "Thumping, ratteling and creaking" noises. First option is to add a ton of clear silicon caulking under each point of contact. This acts like a shock to the creaking and rattleing noises. A drastic step, and one that I take, since I am already drilling holes in the roof more than likley the Visor is going to remain on for the life of the truck. I enlarge the holes to fit an actual bolt and from the inside I drill a larger hole to fit a socket, that will tighten the nut. The I find a peice of flat steel that is larger then the center contact area, and drill the same holes, and trim a small piece off the inside of the cab roof, so that I can slip the flat steel inbetween the sheet metal. I only do this for the center, as the sides are pretty strong. This eliminates the thumping noise that occurs from the visor, which is caused from the wind hitting the visor and slightly bending the sheetmetal, creating the thumping noise.