Yep, I got enough cooper in my system to be classified as a rare earth truck

I have noticed the green"ing" of parts of my cooper and my brass fittings. Here is the skinny I've observed.
Seems this is more of an "oxidation" effect where oxygen (air) is needed to cause the reaction. Parts that stay submerged or are always covered in WVO really have only darkend. Stuff that is covered then exposed to air then covered is greenish, but no stinky crap
My major malfunction with the stinky yabbies was from the Zinc in the galvanized tank. Now that I've POR-15'd the tank I have not seen a trace of that crap.
The only reason I went with cooper was the ease of procurement. If I needed more or different or I screwed something up, I could just get more. I'm now in the process of improvising and improving my setup and my new design will have no cooper, no coolant in tanks, and brass only if I can't find any corrosion/greening inside when I do my dis-assembly. I'm looking at aluminium and stainless for the new system, and plain old steel hasn't been ruled out either