Brass vs. Biodiesel


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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RazzyB said:
what's WIKI?

WIKI is short for "What I Know Is". Its also the name given to a collective, editable, open project of pages with information. Its kinda like being able to add your own changes to the encyclopedia britanica and everyone seeing them.

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Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
yeah I think it was CPUneck who had problems w/ slime in his WVO conversion due to the amount of copper he also had problems from the galvanized bronco tank that he used for his WVO tank on the truck. I think his webshots will show you some pictures of the funk that was in his tank after only a few hundred gallons of WVO.


Mad Scientist
Apr 28, 2005
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Seattle, WA
BJS said:
yeah I think it was CPUneck who had problems w/ slime in his WVO conversion due to the amount of copper he also had problems from the galvanized bronco tank that he used for his WVO tank on the truck. I think his webshots will show you some pictures of the funk that was in his tank after only a few hundred gallons of WVO.

yeah, I remember that, thought it was due to the galvanized tank, not sure the role the copper components in his system played... :dunno


Reclamation Specialist
Apr 7, 2005
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Ft. Campbell, KY
Cooper, poor mans GOLD?

Yep, I got enough cooper in my system to be classified as a rare earth truck :p I have noticed the green"ing" of parts of my cooper and my brass fittings. Here is the skinny I've observed.

Seems this is more of an "oxidation" effect where oxygen (air) is needed to cause the reaction. Parts that stay submerged or are always covered in WVO really have only darkend. Stuff that is covered then exposed to air then covered is greenish, but no stinky crap :thumbs

My major malfunction with the stinky yabbies was from the Zinc in the galvanized tank. Now that I've POR-15'd the tank I have not seen a trace of that crap.

The only reason I went with cooper was the ease of procurement. If I needed more or different or I screwed something up, I could just get more. I'm now in the process of improvising and improving my setup and my new design will have no cooper, no coolant in tanks, and brass only if I can't find any corrosion/greening inside when I do my dis-assembly. I'm looking at aluminium and stainless for the new system, and plain old steel hasn't been ruled out either :cowboy:


Mad Scientist
Apr 28, 2005
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Seattle, WA
CPUNeck said:
Yep, I got enough cooper in my system to be classified as a rare earth truck :p I have noticed the green"ing" of parts of my cooper and my brass fittings. Here is the skinny I've observed.

Seems this is more of an "oxidation" effect where oxygen (air) is needed to cause the reaction. Parts that stay submerged or are always covered in WVO really have only darkend. Stuff that is covered then exposed to air then covered is greenish, but no stinky crap :thumbs

My major malfunction with the stinky yabbies was from the Zinc in the galvanized tank. Now that I've POR-15'd the tank I have not seen a trace of that crap.

The only reason I went with cooper was the ease of procurement. If I needed more or different or I screwed something up, I could just get more. I'm now in the process of improvising and improving my setup and my new design will have no cooper, no coolant in tanks, and brass only if I can't find any corrosion/greening inside when I do my dis-assembly. I'm looking at aluminium and stainless for the new system, and plain old steel hasn't been ruled out either :cowboy:

So, Clayton, in your opinion, brass fittings are ok to use for wvo, but a custom made (don't ask me how many hours it took me :) ) Linscott-inspired copper fuel pickup is probably not a good idea? I wish I knew that before I forked over the $50 for his 'plans' :rolleyes: live and learn I guess. The doctor says the solder burns should heal in a month or two :D j/k



Reclamation Specialist
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Ft. Campbell, KY
RazzyB said:
So, Clayton, in your opinion, brass fittings are ok to use for wvo, but a custom made (don't ask me how many hours it took me :) ) Linscott-inspired copper fuel pickup is probably not a good idea? I wish I knew that before I forked over the $50 for his 'plans' :rolleyes: live and learn I guess. The doctor says the solder burns should heal in a month or two :D j/k


Pretty much Brian, although I will closely by examining my brass fittings and if I have an incaling theres a problem, it's off to aluminum I go. Funny I also forked over the dough for the same plans. Great concept, I'll use it next time with different materials. Man you should see my bomb :eek: It is constructed from a 1.5" copper pipe with 3/8" coolant and a 1/2" pickup :ZigBang: It can really get-R-done BUT I'm paranoid I'll have some sort of leak and "boom" :( A side note is that I have never seen my tank temps get over 110F. Even when there was only 3-5Gallons in there. Most of the time its closer to 102F. :cowboy:

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