Boat Problems

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I've been having troubles with my 1985 Bayliner, OMC Stringer outdrive, GM smallblock V8 engine. Seems like there is always someone on here that knows the answer, so here is my problem.

What happens: It runs great for several hours. I grin, I love life. I put it under a load (either trying to pull up a skiier, or go full throttle full speed, or so on and so forth) and it starts hiccupping, missing, running like poo, etc. Sometimes it dies, sometimes it straightens itself out and runs fine afterward. From that point on, every single time I put it under load, it runs like crap.

The really strange thing is that anytime I go into neutral, then shift back into gear, it romps, runs rough, tries to die for about 5 to 10 seconds, then, like someone flipped a switch, it runs GREAT and takes off. The longer it does this, the worse it gets, until it gets to the point to where I am limping back in, and every minute and a half or so, it starts running rough until it dies, then I restart it and it runs great for another two minutes, then it runs rough and dies again.

List of things I've changed to date...

Fuel filter Carburator (from a 2 bbl rochester to a 2 bbl holley, brand spanking new) coil cap and rotor points and condensor took off and resealed intake manifold to eliminate possible vacuum leaks

The only thing I have left that could be the problem is the mechanical, cnetrifugal spark advance, or maybe an intermittent dead short. I am thinking about converting to electronic ignition, to eliminate the points.

Oh, BTW, I could not get it to start after the winter this year, until i filed the points, then it started and ran great. Is this all a points problem? Should i spend the money to fix it and get a electronic ignition???

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm sort of on my last nerve with this thing...


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
i had points on my 88 they were at best tempermental but, i only went through two sets in its whole life, lots of adjustments

but it sounds like the mechanical advance springs may be sticking, did you pull off the plate below the rotor and look at the rust build up on the springs and pins????
bu if it smoothes out then runs good for a while
i would think maybe they have a rusty spot thats catching

also is you tank equipped with an anti siphon device at the tank to fuel line hookup?
on a boat your age i would also suspect its clogged or has a bit of debris bouncing around periodically limiting fuel flow
can you look inside your fuel cell through the sender inspection hole???
when was the tank cleaned out last???
just for a start
my 4.3 ran me crazy for years with bogging and stuttering and it would always come back to igntion, points out or dwell not long enough and advance not far enough at wot

how old are the wires

good luck

one more tid bit
we ran two carbs
a rochester with a huge secondary for wot and a carter for more fuel efficient days with no skiiing
Last edited:

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Robert to the rescue, as always!!!
powerboatr said:
i had points on my 88 they were at best tempermental but, i only went through two sets in its whole life, lots of adjustments
Sounds about typical for points. Gosh darned things, anyway...
but it sounds like the mechanical advance springs may be sticking, did you pul loff the plate below the rotor and look at teh rust build up on the springs and pins????
Yeah, I've checked it out, they did not appear to be in fantastic shape, but seemed to move freely.
bu if it smoothes out then runs good for a while
i would think maybe they have a rusty spot thats catching
Completely possible. I cleaned the cavity and weights/springs up with carb cleaner last time I had it apart to see if it helped. it didn't.

also is you tank equipped with an anti siphon device at the tank to fuel line hookup?
on a boat your age i would also suspect its clogged or has a bit of debris bouncing around periodically limiting fuel flow
Dunno about the anti-siphon, but I did have the tank pieces apart a few months ago to clean everything out. It all appeared to be A-OK...

can you look inside your fuel cell through the sender inspection hole???
when was teh tank cleaned out last???
I run it dry every year before winter to clean out any gunk, then add 5 gallons or so with some STABIL in it and put 'er up for the winter.

my 4.3 ran me crazy for years with bogging and stuttering and it would always come back to igntion, points out or dwell not long enough and advance not far enough at wot
Well, that ties it, then. It's electronic distributor for me. It is so easy, I should ahve done it two years ago. if this fixes it, I'm going to be ticked... And happy, too

how old are the wires
Year before last, they have about 10 hours on them

goo dluck
THANKS :sweet :sweet YOu've pretty much reinforced what I'd been thinking all along. IGNITION. And specifically, points and spark advance. Gonna go down to Napa and see about getting me an electronic distributor tonight.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
95_stroker said:
Carb float sticking?
I've tried to check this, but everything seems fine. It is a new carb (put on year before last).

The only way i know to check the floats is what I did, pull the bowl off, and move them up and down to mae sure they move freely. Is there another, more scientific way to do this. Us young guys born int eh age of fuel injection get a little stupid when it comes to carbs and points and such...

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
bushpilot said:
DIRTY fuel jets ?
Not that I can see upon inspection. They seem to shoot pretty good when I peek down the throat and jack the throttle.

I forgot to mention that the rough, choppy feel of my problem has me thinking it is ignition. I could be wrong, thoguh.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Cora, Wy
Hoss 350 said:
I've tried to check this, but everything seems fine. It is a new carb (put on year before last).

The only way i know to check the floats is what I did, pull the bowl off, and move them up and down to mae sure they move freely. Is there another, more scientific way to do this. Us young guys born int eh age of fuel injection get a little stupid when it comes to carbs and points and such...

Ehh, if its a new(er) carb then you are prolly OK. Make sure your coil is up to snuff also.:sweet

Be ready to shell out some coin if you are serious about the electronic distrib.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
95_stroker said:
Ehh, if its a new(er) carb then you are prolly OK. Make sure your coil is up to snuff also.:sweet
The coil was my first thought. I'm actually thinking about replacing it again just to make sure i did not get a bad one. They are only $30 or so.

Be ready to shell out some coin if you are serious about the electronic distrib.
really??? How much coin? I was thinking around 100 to 150 bucks. Hope it isn't a whole lot more.

What do you think? Do you think it could be distributor?


Shutter Bug
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score

Sounds like ignition to me as well. Don't forget to change the fuel/water seperator/filter.........don't ask how I am reminded to change mine -mad

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