what? any decent programmer out there (tony, jody etc) can program the tranny almost any way you like it, when it shifts, how hard it shifts, when the tc is locked up, whether it unlocks when you let off the go pedal. you will never get better turning out of a plug in box then a chip because the tuners don't have access to as many parameters to tweek. i added a BTS VB to mine cause in my simple little mind fixing something the right way is somewhat better the a band aid of raising line pressures, but i told both BTS and DP that i was adding them at the same time and they worked some magic and made them play nice together and my tranny shifts like a dream.
To th OP i have never used a hand held tuner, might be worth it to give jody at DP tuner a call he will wake your truck up for sure!
I could use a good code puller myself actually. dont know where to start on that end.