I wonder if Sears no longer carrying the Optima batteries has more to do with them now having an AGM Diehard (store brand) than anything else. Sounds more likely to me. I always heard good about the Optimas. My Interstates have leaked from day one and seem to be getting weak on our colder morning starts.
That's what I wundered too.
I listen to Sales folks like "Peanuts" listens to Adults, on his Cartoons. But if there was Any truth to what was said, It's worth being aware of. I DID call another store and was told the same thing.. But that could be what All store employees are instructed to say: Push the Die-Hards.. we no longer carry X brand because.. BLA, BLA, BLA. Al tho I can't help but think that >MAYBE< there's something more behind it. Maybe not.
I've learned 2 things from this adventure tho.
1. Don't EVER alert anyone about ANYTHING, and mention the Brand, model or size. If it doesnt meet your expectations. On the Internet
2. Add BATTERIES.. to the Oil brand & weight, Oil Filter brand, Lubricant brand, Air filter brand & style.. or the Store/Site where you bought it (?) to my list of... "Things Not To Post about"... Anywhere on the Internet.