ok then. my point is i just dont think that yellow tops are really the correct application for our trucks.
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And, even tho in the common, local, consumer adds, they were Advertised and Marketed as "Gel Cells".
ok then. my point is i just dont think that yellow tops are really the correct application for our trucks.
I agree, now that mine have crapped out. And I kinda knew that when I bought them. I was focused on the 850cca's and takeing a shot at a new (to me) battery design concept.
But... if we all stuck with the >Correct Application< theory ?..our PSDs would'nt run the way we want them to.
I never said they were BAD. I said what I said, about the premature failure rates of this style, or type of Battery.
i also wouldn't be surprised if his spiel about bring-backs was just a load to get you to buy whatever he dished out next, especially given the fact that he pushed agm on you with optimas actually being agms.
good luck,