I have a 05 crew 6.0 auto 4x4 doolly. It has the trip and mileage computer in the insturment cluster. I have a 100 gal aux tank that the truck assessories dealer told me not to tie into my factory gauge because it will screw up the computer. well every time i run on that tank after a while the check engine light comes on. I took it to the dealer and the told me it was a over fill condition in the fuel tank. so we figured out thats what was causing it. It was under warranty no charge. well the 2nd time it did it I took it in again not knowing what it was and it was a overfill condition. This time it was not under warranty $75.00. Does anybody know the cure for this condition? Evenfully the check engine light goes out buy it self after a tank runs through the main tank but I hate driving with check engine light on It drives me nuts.