Thinking about installing K&N Cold air intake on my 2005 f350 6.0. Would like feedback from people than have used them. One worry is getting a oily film on intake tube and MAF.
i have an afe stage I on my 2005 f250 its not the one mentioned above meaning i do have to oil it and have had it for about 50k and have had no complaints whatsoever
Guess that you have all the info. Just to let you kow I have a K&N on my truck and actually sucked a rock half way threw the filter. Luckily it stopped in the box. I saw the rock come off the road and never saw were it went. Stopped just to check and sure enough found it in the air box. From that point on I will not run a K&N in my truck. Plus have heard that they let alot of particals into the engine.
I haven't heard of anyone using a k&n filter. I have heard good comments on the AFE and the volant filters. I had a k&n on my old truck and it worked fine. I also heard that the OEM filter is good up to 500 hp, I don't know if thats true or not though. Good luck with your choice man!
The stock filters are good. K&N are NOT good. They don't filter fine enough and they let small dust particles through that you can feel on the inside of the housing. I dumped mine years ago on another truck. AFE are good.