Any comments on Progressive Insurance?


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
RenoF250 said:
If you like to support liberals they are fine. There CEO is a commie type and gives money to a bunch of liberal causes. Try 21st Century, I have them and have been very happy with them. They have replaced some windshield and took care of the Pilot until the other parties insurance paid. They were half of what I was paying with Allstate. If you switch to them let me know first so I can get referral credit (they give a $50 gift card).

yep he gives millions to dumb folks causes like sheehan and other moon bats, aclu , NAMBLA (northamerican man boy lova assoc.) etc etc etc
i wish i had his money, i could run for president and be the next loose cannon in DC :eek:


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Run run away from progressive as fast as you can.

I've known several folks who had progressive. They picked it up because of the price tag. Here's some of the problems I've heard about from them. Had 2 trucks when opening the policy. Superduty & old 80 mazda truck. Mazda truck was stolen and since he only carried liability on it anyway called to cancel the insurance and was informed that by remvoing that vehicle his insurance premium was going to go up by 40%.

Mom was rearended by driver carrying progressive minor damage to her car (01 BMW 325) needed bumper & bumper cover replaced. total cost of claim was $1100 + rental car. Progressive said that according to thier esitmator she only needed the bumper cover replaced that the bumper was not damaged (he couldn't see the work). Fortunately USAA picked up the bill & finally progressive paid out the claim + court fees + legal costs + lost wages for witness testimony.

Oh and finally. Little bro's ex GF. Hit a deer with her eclipse only minor damage to front bumper, hood & wiper arm and rear spoiler. (deer went over car. Took 2.5 weeks to get their idiot out to estimate the car. Since the blood had been washed off the car the estimator claimed that the rear spoiler could not have been damaged by a front end collsion with a deer even when shown pictures of the car covered in blood from nose to tail. Repair only authorized refurbished parts (junkyard) and would only cover with a single stage paint due to age of vehicle (3yrs). She paid to fix the car correctly out of her own pocket and was recently issued judgement in her favor but hasn't seen any money.


Apr 5, 2005
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BJS said:
Run run away from progressive as fast as you can.

I've known several folks who had progressive. They picked it up because of the price tag. Here's some of the problems I've heard about from them. Had 2 trucks when opening the policy. Superduty & old 80 mazda truck. Mazda truck was stolen and since he only carried liability on it anyway called to cancel the insurance and was informed that by remvoing that vehicle his insurance premium was going to go up by 40%.

Mom was rearended by driver carrying progressive minor damage to her car (01 BMW 325) needed bumper & bumper cover replaced. total cost of claim was $1100 + rental car. Progressive said that according to thier esitmator she only needed the bumper cover replaced that the bumper was not damaged (he couldn't see the work). Fortunately USAA picked up the bill & finally progressive paid out the claim + court fees + legal costs + lost wages for witness testimony.

Oh and finally. Little bro's ex GF. Hit a deer with her eclipse only minor damage to front bumper, hood & wiper arm and rear spoiler. (deer went over car. Took 2.5 weeks to get their idiot out to estimate the car. Since the blood had been washed off the car the estimator claimed that the rear spoiler could not have been damaged by a front end collsion with a deer even when shown pictures of the car covered in blood from nose to tail. Repair only authorized refurbished parts (junkyard) and would only cover with a single stage paint due to age of vehicle (3yrs). She paid to fix the car correctly out of her own pocket and was recently issued judgement in her favor but hasn't seen any money.

Insurance laws must really vary by the state. Everytime I have had a claim the insurance company just paid the bill of whatever shop I or they wanted, no estimator. That is in both Nevada and California with 21st, AAA, State Farm, and Esurance. Esurance was the only one that gave any resistance and that was because their party did not accept responsibility, as soon as she fessed up they paid. 21st covered the work no problem while we waited for her to find the truth and handled the whole thing.


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
The GA laws say you can take your car to whatever shop you want but they do not have to pay the price for that shop. they can insisit thier estimator or authorized agent look at the car before any work is performed. Based on industry standards (regulated by insurance comissioner) they can state a max they will pay for given work. this is the rate charged by 75% of body shops only the exclusive super specialty shops charge more and if you want to take your car there then you'll get a check for the amount the insurance company will pay and the rest comes out of your pocket.

Little bro's GF lives in AL and accident was in GA so that I'm sure added to the confusion.

When I was hit by a nationwide insuree they said you need to have the vehicle inspected at one of these locations, or take it to one of these shops and they can do the whole 9 yards. If you choose one of the all inclusive shops then we will warranty the work for the lifetime you own the vehicle.


stroke it if you got it
May 10, 2005
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In the field
Tx_Atty said:
I just ran an online quote from Progressive and am astonished to get a quote for almost exact HALF what I have been paying Geico. What has chapped me for years is that I continue to be charged the same collision premium now that I was 8 years ago when I bought the damn thing. I have argued fruitlessly that they are screwing me - they have reduced risk as the value goes down yet I pay the same.

I intend to switch this month when my coverage expires barring some really good reasons I hear from y'all. What ya think?

Run away from them. Got hit by a deer drivers side lost frount bumper all the lights and pushed the frount diff back and or tweaked the fram took it too 3 differnt shops and they say its fine BUT the tire hits the fender well when I turn 2 the leftand like everyone said you get USED parts ..


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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Im not certain but I think Texas has said that used parts are not allowed. I think I will check into that. I may reconsider Progressive but half what I am paying now is hard to pass up. Not decided yet.

s d mills

Full Access Member
Jan 5, 2006
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Close to the real OC 47462
A short about my only experience with Progressive. I hit a kid who was in the wrong lane making a left, and then he abruptly turned right across my lights, no hand signals, expired plates, you name it. I just happened to have the digital camera with me and the experience prompted me to carry a disposable camera in the glovebox of all my vehicles....all the time.

Accident report clearly showed I wasn't liable for the accident; kid's insurance company was progressive. The Progressive adjuster read between the lines of the report and concocted a really freaky scenario showing it was a "no fault" accident, and refused to cover the damage to my vehicle (I had liability, PIP, medical, etc. only)....My $350 winter beater was totalled.

That is....he refused to pay up until I handed him the envelope with a couple of dozen photos. The next day he showed up at the house with a release form, a $1400 check, and gave me the beater for salvage.

It doesn't matter which insurance company I sign up with as within three years they annually jack up the premium to the extent I can find significantly cheaper insurance elsewhere. GEICO has been the exception and I've held onto them for the fourth year....I can't beat what they're charging me.

Curiously, I carry full coverage in the same amounts on my '95 F-250 std cab 2wd gasser and the '02 crew cab Super Duty diesel 4x4....the '02 is approximately $100 per year cheaper to cover.

I'm sticking with the Lizard but I continue to get competitive quotes every 6 months or so. Indiana Farmers is close; the worst is American Family, and the rest fall somewhere in between.

Motorcycle insurance is what ticks me off. I'm 60 with no tickets in thirty years (Escort), the one non-chargeable accident 5 years ago, and one comprehensive claim in my lifetime (kids did $1200 in damage to my '00 C3500 dually trying to steal my CDs) 5 years ago. Everyone wants $900 or more for full coverage with beefed medical on my '01 ZX-6 Ninja.

I hate insurance but I don't cheap out on coverage....just on quotes.
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