I have been putting a quart of ATF in every tank of fuel in every diesel Ive owned since 1971! I sometimes substitute hyd transmission oil because its actually the same thing and I occasionally can get a drum free.
In the engine oil I started running a molebdium-disulfide additive,1 quart at every change about 2 yrs ago.The difference in the injector noise is incredible.My stock injectors that I changed out a year ago were so quiet with this stuff it was just uncany.The new ones are the same,but the rattle from the timeing change is annoying.My old injectors had 201000 on them ,were 16 yrs old,and functioned perfectly.
I have just about 99% control over my fuel quality since I have it delivered 700 gal at a time and can moniter water acumulation when ever I feel the need. I still dope it with 1 qt per 200 gal with PS fuel tank cleaner,and 1 qt per 500 gal with PS algea control at the time of delivery.There is NOTHING that will kill your injectors/pumps quicker than black algae slime and all storage tanks (except mine) have it.Never buy fuel when the delivery tanker is dumping because all the crap in the tank is stirred up and will not settle for 12 hrs or so.I was an Amico and later BP fuel dealer for many years and trust me,all tanks are filthy in the bottom.
In the winter around here,the "winter" fuel blend hits the racks around the middle of oct,but the temps can drop to below zero for nights in a row.I carry PS 911 in my truck and if I hear that the overnight low will be 0 to as much as -25,I give the truck a pint then `drive it or fast idle it for 10 min or so. 90% of the time my truck is in a heated shop at night during plow season,but you just never know when it MAY sit out because something unrelated broke.You do not want a gelled fuel system,it will damage pumps and injecters,mostly from starveing when they finally do start.Do not risk it.