lukecline said:
i highly doubt it. Why? because they would have to put $2k+ billet rods, rev kit, big turbo (s), dual hpop, huge injectors, etc.. into every engine to make it hold and even then it wouldnt last running at a constant 800hp all day everyday. thinner gaskets = more compression, thicker = lower compression. the f 650 and f750's or what ever f series have the thinner hg's are also known for floating the valves when pushing more boost than stock due to the valve/ piston clearance being less.
what you have to remember is RACE teams can afford these type of
cost, especially when theyve got sponsors and manufactures
backing 'em...not to mention what it does for advertising when
someone sees POWERSTROKE by Ford written across the "object"
as it flys around some track (in the lead or otherwise).
i deal w/ this kinda stuff all the time w/ motorcycles...race teams
dont care what the cost is, and they rarely worry w/ drivablity issues...
its Wide F'in OPEN or its parked & nothing in between matters....
Race teams only care if the motor holds together long enough to
1) win the race & 2) FINISH the race...and theyll do get both of
those items at ANY cost (hell they tear a winning or LOOSING motor
apart after every race just to figure out WHY it stayed together OR