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  1. ForumBlue

    Fuel prices and map link.

    I guess it depends on how you look at it. They blew right into the Championship, unlike the Pathers.:D
  2. ForumBlue

    Fuel prices and map link.

    BUMP Just thought I'd move this up so everyone gets a chance to check it out. Maybe Sticky it for a week or something.
  3. ForumBlue

    Fuel prices and map link.

    LOVE that avatar. GO STEELERS!!!
  4. ForumBlue

    Fuel prices and map link.

    Fuel prices per station, and map. This is pretty cool. Just put in your zip code and it will show you ,on a map, all the stations in your area and the price for gas and diesel. MSN fuel prices
  5. ForumBlue

    Alternative power source

    I guess someone got to it before me.
  6. ForumBlue

    Alternative power source

    Can I delete the extra threads?
  7. ForumBlue

    Alternative power source

    I just noticed that. Whats going on?
  8. ForumBlue

    Alternative power source

    Everyone talks about how much Horsepower they have, but very few have looked into a virtually untapped form of power for the transportation industry. COWPOWER!!!
  9. ForumBlue

    This is cool.

    There all by the same guy. It's all done with chalk. there is a link to his site at the top of that post.
  10. ForumBlue

    This is cool.

    I saw this on another site I frequent. Very cool. Here are a few to check out. there are many more on his site: my favorite:
  11. ForumBlue

    850hp,14 inches in diameter,150lb engine.
  12. ForumBlue

    Anyone seen this before?

    He called them and the price was under 2K but that refund thing sounds real fishy to me. Let me know what you find out. Thanks. Jamie
  13. ForumBlue

    Anyone seen this before?

    My Dad got this in the mail the other day. Anyone know anything about it. It sounds kinda funky to me. HERE
  14. ForumBlue

    This will surely get PETA riled up.

    If any of you get a chance to watch the Pen & Teller show "BULL****" on Showtime, try to find the one about PETA. It will bring a smile to your face to see the hypocracy and terrorism that goes on inside that multi-million dollar, non- profit organization.
  15. ForumBlue

    Oil change DIY.

    :sorry Guess I should pay more attention.:confused:
  16. ForumBlue

    Oil change DIY.

    Oil Change Oil Change instructions for Women: 1) Pull up to Jiffy Lube when the mileage reaches 3000 miles since the last oil change. 2) Drink a cup of coffee. 3) 15 minutes later, write a check and leave with a properly maintained vehicle. Money...
  17. ForumBlue

    7.3 Low oil sensor?????

    Code reader said CPS. 45 minutes later, problem solved. The second Alt. through me for a loop at first. It's a lot easier without that thing in the way. What a pain. Litterally, my right hand and forearm took a beating.
  18. ForumBlue

    Killed my truck

    Very true !!! :sweet
  19. ForumBlue

    Wish me luck !!!

    Thanks guys. If I win big i'ts T-Shirts for all you guys. Of cousre the T-Shirts will say. "Jamie won millions I all I got was this stupid T-Shirt." Along with a picture of me on my desk.
  20. ForumBlue

    Flip chip Dial install? Where is the article?

    I just put mine right on the fuse panel cover so if I ever wanted to get rid of it (why, I dont know?) all I had to do was just replace the fuse cover and not have a hole in my dash. Plus it put it within reach but out of sight.
  21. ForumBlue

    7.3 Low oil sensor?????

    Thanks guys. One other thing. I thought I read somewhere that there is a new replacement CPS on the market that no longer has these issues. Is this a myth or what?
  22. ForumBlue

    7.3 Low oil sensor?????

    My Dad just called me with a problem with his F350. Sounds like CPS to me but he also mentioned that the truck was low on oil (2quarts don't ask). Do 7.3's have a low oil sensor that will cause the puter to shut down the truck? I'm going to help him out after work today. I do have a code...
  23. ForumBlue

    Wish me luck !!!

    VEGAS BABY!!!! I'm going to Vegas this weekend. My first visit this year. Hope to win enough to on my desk when I get back. Of course I plan to come back with empty pockets as usual but who knows. Wish me luck ! BTW, I'll be there Sat., Sun. and Mon. If any of you all are in town...
  24. ForumBlue

    Ohio weather stinks

    Both my parents are from Ohio. I used to go there with them when I was a kid, and I've always said. Ohio only has 2 good weeks a year and they can't even put them together. 1 in the spring and 1 in the fall. Other than that it's either or .

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