Search results

  1. Scarlet_Nape

    back-up lights?

    Dante, REALLY sorry to hear about your brother. That just sucks! I hope you and your family are doing well and remembering the good times.:sorry
  2. Scarlet_Nape

    New bling for me.

    Looks good, Scooter!:thumbs
  3. Scarlet_Nape

    President Ford

    I think most great presidents aren't fully appreciated until years and years later. Ford definitely fits in that category. He wasn't nearly appreciated for the work he did at the time, as he is now or even later. Sad that it has to be that way, but that is the life of leading a free...
  4. Scarlet_Nape

    What Did Ya Get For Xmas!!!!

    My 10 year old son received a lot of cash from both sides of the family (mom and I are divorced). After purchasing a new game for his PSP, he called me from WalMart last night. (he also got is first cell phone) He was in the stereo department with $100 left and wanted to know what kind of...
  5. Scarlet_Nape

    Gone in Six Seconds

    Dave, Click here. I spelled it wrong.:doh: My comprehensive is covering my door repairs and stereo, so I'm lucky there. But, the quote for all of it was just over $1k. I'd rather my insurance invest in making the door secure than actually repairing it. But, they don't see it the same way...
  6. Scarlet_Nape

    Hello, My Name is Mike.......

    Welcome, dugweed!!:sweet
  7. Scarlet_Nape

    Gone in Six Seconds

    Did your door look like this? I will be ordering Jimmy Jammers and installing an alarm after insurance fixed the door and replaced my stereo.:censored:
  8. Scarlet_Nape

    Upgraded Tires and Rims

    I picked up the tires real cheap from a guy in Colleyville. They are used, but the price was too good to pass up. I purchased the wheels from David @ He's a sponsor @ and got me a pretty good deal. PM me and I'll get you all of his contact...
  9. Scarlet_Nape

    Upgraded Tires and Rims

    Maybe a little....but I will find time, someway!:sly
  10. Scarlet_Nape

    Upgraded Tires and Rims

    I do, for now....changing positions in the company and I don't know where I'll end up. But, some where in the area.
  11. Scarlet_Nape

    Merry Christmas !

    I love her style!!:cowboy: :tex
  12. Scarlet_Nape

    Merry Christmas !

    Merry Christmas, Bush!! That's quite the dog you got ther'!!! Funny lookin' ears, though!!:roflmao :roflmao :roflmao (Good Lookin' Family!!:sweet )
  13. Scarlet_Nape

    4WD Low question??????????

    Or, a really good attorney!!!:D
  14. Scarlet_Nape

    Stay the night!!

    Weather alert for Denver area: Sounds like they are expecting a blizzard.:skate :red 3
  15. Scarlet_Nape

    The Perfect Gift for your Girl

    I want a PM, too!!:grin
  16. Scarlet_Nape

    New to the site

    Welcome aboard, Murf!:welcome
  17. Scarlet_Nape

    I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :party :goodluck :party What a great Christmas present, for both of you!!!:wave Congratulations on your hard work!!:sweet
  18. Scarlet_Nape


    Send it my way, Rusty. I will definitely be getting one in the near future.:open It was during the freakin' day, believe it or not. Right in my work's parking lot. I'll find out Monday, if anyone else go hit. I've already called the insurance company. We'll see what they say, next week.
  19. Scarlet_Nape


    Well, I've been "fixin" to order some Jimmy Jammers for a while....waited too darn long!!!:cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :nutkick: I will be ordering some this weekend, now. Also, any recommendations for an alarm/remote start/fuel kill...
  20. Scarlet_Nape

    Redneck Christmas Gifts

    I'm so getting one of those!! And, if they throw in the nighty, too, that would be great!!:D :roflmao
  21. Scarlet_Nape

    Be on the alert for a silver Mercedes
  22. Scarlet_Nape

    Be on the alert for a silver Mercedes

    What Peter said. Report it to the police and then find him again and get his license plate number. Some of those rich nutz are just crazy enough to fire off a couple of rounds, too. You and I both need to invest in some train horns. That will usually get them to drop the cell phone...
  23. Scarlet_Nape


    Nice kill, Peter!:notworthy
  24. Scarlet_Nape

    Well, I guess I'm at that age!!!

    Just make sure the doc doesn't have both hands on your shoulders during the procedure!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :roflmao :roflmao :nono: :sorry