I was deeply saddened to hear about President Ford's death early this morning. He was probably the nicest person to ever have been president. He was definitely "the right man at the right time".
you guys should see his former home in the Heritage Hills neighborhood... I don't think you could get another bouquet or wreath in the yard without packing it in there with a stick...
the Boy Scout Council of SW Michigan is going to provide an Honor Guard for the casket when it arrives on Tuesday...
RIP President Ford. He did what he had to do for our country at a time when events were about to get really messy and it cost him dearly poiltically speaking. But he had to get the monkey off his back and move forward.
I think most great presidents aren't fully appreciated until years and years later. Ford definitely fits in that category. He wasn't nearly appreciated for the work he did at the time, as he is now or even later.
Sad that it has to be that way, but that is the life of leading a free country.