Search results

  1. JimmyDee

    Social Security, Signed up today

    I was actually pleasantly surprised at the amount I will be getting a month. Jim
  2. JimmyDee

    Tranny Fluid Prices

    I think you will find that gal to actually be 5 qts. It runs about $4.00 a qt at Walmart. Jim
  3. JimmyDee

    transmission question

    When a tranny shifts, a hydraulic valve closes and it closes fast. They put a type of accumulator or shock absorber in the line to make it a little less abrupt and a softer shift. We on the other hand increase the springs to make it a little more abrupt. This firms the shift. The Sonnax...
  4. JimmyDee

    Social Security, Signed up today

    47 years ago, I signed up to start paying Social Security taxes. :( Today I signed up to start receiving the benefits of all those years of paying. :thumbs It actually wasn't like dealing with a bureaucracy. Not too bad of an experience. Things sure have improved with dealing with a govt...
  5. JimmyDee

    Tranny Fluid Prices

    Not my way necessarily. A Ford tranny engineer named Mark Kovalsky posted this processes a while back on another site and is now the Ford approved way of doing it. I do pull the pan for the first change because I like to get the crap out of it. Lots of metal on the bottom always. I would think...
  6. JimmyDee

    Tranny Fluid Prices

    2001 is the last year with the T/C drain. The new way to change it is to pump it out by emptying the pan adding 7 qts, starting the engine, letting run until it stops flowing. Then shut off, refill with 6-7 qts 2 more times, then level off with up to 2 additional qts. This takes 20 qts and is...
  7. JimmyDee


    I'm really old and really never had heard of them or their music before. Nothing else was on and I was working on my computer and had the show on as background noise and actually enjoyed the concert. Jim
  8. JimmyDee

    Tranny Fluid Prices

    Yes it will if you pay $4.99 a qt for Moblil 1, synthetic. 100 degrees higher break down temp, and better heat disipation. Your tranny will love it. Just make sure you don't use Mercon V. It will destroy your tranny in a short time. Also don't use an ATF that has a duel rating (Mercon III/Mercon...
  9. JimmyDee


    I found after my knee surgery, the last thing I wanted to do for a couple of weeks is to go on line. You will get better and it will be great fun once again. Ya just got to play the waiting game. :) Glad you are coming along good. Jim
  10. JimmyDee

    Transmission fluid change Q’s

    I would pull the pan and clean it out before doing the flush. You will be amazed at the amount of crud you will be able to remove. I like to do this at least on the first change just to get that stuff out of the tranny. Not necessary but I think they need to be clean inside. JMOHO. Jim
  11. JimmyDee

    diesel algae

    I've been running 4 + years with out using it and probably won't unless I need it. If you use your truck and put a few mile on it, and purchase fuel from a dealer that goes through a lot of it and keeps turning over his stock, you should not need it either. Water in the fuel is what causes the...
  12. JimmyDee

    transmission question

    I got mine HERE and paid $50. They are good to deal with. Maybe you can talk him into sponsoring here. :cool: Jim
  13. JimmyDee

    tranny service

    They are about $18 at Auto Zone and Ford says they will go for ever. I do mine every 30k when I change the oil. They are usually clean when I replace them so I'm probably throwing my money away. But its not that big a deal when your spending $100 for Mobil 1 AFT. Jim
  14. JimmyDee

    Talk about the 7.3L CPS Here!

    This is a great thread. $90 +- is cheap insurance for a failure out on the road. I figure if I don't use it while I own my truck, I could easily get $50 for it at the time of sale of my truck. That makes it a great investment and eliminates the fear of being caught 50 miles from nowhere at...
  15. JimmyDee

    Wow, it's actually hot!

    No it actually keeps us warmer in the winter when the wind is from the West, which is most of the time. We will see zero and sometimes below but most of the time we are 15°-25° warmer than 50 miles inland. Now it does produce a lot of snow and I do mean a lot. Its the reason I have 4x4...
  16. JimmyDee

    Wow, it's actually hot!

    Mornings here last week have been in the 40s and highs of high 60s, low 70s. Just the way I like it. We have a huge AC unit that keeps it fairly cool here all summer. It called Lake Michigan. :cool: Jim
  17. JimmyDee

    My turn for surgery

    I wish you the best and a fast recovery. I just started feeling good from 2 knee replacements and have an idea what the next 6 weeks or so will be like. It goes fast and you will be on the mend in no time. Hang in there. :thumbs Jim
  18. JimmyDee

    Check this out!

    Woops, 746 watts = 1 hp and that would be 38.6 hp not 32 hp. :sorry
  19. JimmyDee

    Check this out!

    Looks like it is capable of about 32 HP. That the 48 volts X 600 amps. I say it will be a significant increase for a small 4 cylinder engine. Jim
  20. JimmyDee

    Multi-position chips

    It is about 1/2 as noisy when it is cold outside. I like a stock setting. Jim
  21. JimmyDee

    E4OD - ATF to synthetic ATF

    You can also disconnect the return line at the tranny and pump it out. This processes came from a Ford tranny engineer. Purchase 20 qts of ATF, Mercon only. Do not use Mercon V. Drain the pan. Refill with ATF, about 7 qts Run truck till oil stops flowing. (Pump it out) Refill with 6...
  22. JimmyDee

    OBD II Scanners

    I sure like my EASE diagnostics program. I have the Palm setup and it has done everything I've needed from it so far and has been easy to use. Jim
  23. JimmyDee

    Chip & Programers which are the best

    I have had chips and a programmer. Both have their advantages. Chip is easily removed but leave tracks that it has been there that can't be removed. You have to clean the contacts that are on the PCM. Having a flip chip that you can change on the fly is great. If you need a little more power...
  24. JimmyDee

    CPS Failure? or not?

    Yes I think you are correct. The thing is made of very fine wire and will break easily. Some of these things will last 200k and other 2k would be a lot. One thing for sure is having one in the glove box with a 10mm wrench is a smart thing to do. Jim
  25. JimmyDee

    Update on second knee replacement

    I'm told 25 years and that will take me to 86 so I think that will be long enough. :thumbs Jim