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  1. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Sorry have been away. My pops passed away last weekend and have been dealing with it and all that comes with it being the oldest of the siblings and the closest geographically. Never got it running and sold it back to the dealer that sold it to me 5 years ago for a decent price. Never...
  2. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Ok. I will keep it up and try a bit more to start it. I have been keeping charger on the batteries. Sent from my KB2007 using Tapatalk
  3. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    I have a random question that I noticed and was not sure about. If I remove the fuel cap from the small bowl, turn the key in and fill the bowl. i notice that the fuel level drops down like it is draining off someplace. Is this normal or is it possible that there is a fuel line issue? Just a...
  4. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Just made sure air was out of the fuel lines, replaced the cap and still no start. [emoji24]I guess I am going to have to tear down when weather permits and deal with the HPOP. Other than having it towed for diagnosis I do not know what else to do about it. Sent from my KB2007 using Tapatalk
  5. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Ugh been raining all day. That atmospheric river hit Reno last night. 4" of rain so far. Guess I am not doing anything today or for the next 3 days. When you were mentioning the standpipe and seals. Were you talking about the pipe and seals that are under the cover with the HPOP? I was watching...
  6. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Okay. Everything is put back together again. Dark and raining heavy now. I have a charger on the batteries now. I will make sure that the fuel is bled out since I did do thw Blue Spring kit. I suppose if it doesn't star it may well be the HPOP. If it doesn't start I will I suppose get it towed...
  7. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Got from Rock Auto. It was crazy. Twice sent me ICP that was too big and would not thread into the hole. Had to order both ICP and IPR because there were not un town. Even the IPR was about a 1/4" too ling and it would not seat nor would the plug portion line up toward the top to be able to...
  8. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Okay. IPR and ICP are out. I was given an ICP with finer threads so I have to get that exchanged and that looks like at least Tuesday. The IPR was really in there tight. I thought it would break in half before it broke free. I just kept steady pressure on it until it broke free. Not sure but...
  9. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Now that I have my blinders off. The FICM is remanufactured as well. I noticed the the center plug in the FICM was detached when I pulled it off this time. I assume that would also cause a no start as well. I am also missing the bolt in the photo. EGR cooler? My hope is ti replace what I am...
  10. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Okay. The Turbo is out. Looks like I have the darn crossover in the back. I have a new seal kit coming tomorrow for the Turbo. Paper gasket, new O-Rings as well as replacement mounting bolts and the spacers. It looks like I still have to remove the FICM to replace the ICP & IPR though. I will...
  11. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    It appears that someone has had this turbo out before there is insulation added at the front under the turbo and the 2 rear bolts on the left and right that mount the turbo to the stand are missing completely. I have the one small band left to remove and I can tale the turbo out to do the ICO &...
  12. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Okay. I have everything out if the way so I can get to the Turbo. I included pics of the intake tube coming from the air filter and thus us the melted part that connects ti the intake side if the Turbo. The part that melted is almost exactly above the IPR valve. I wonder if excessive heat from a...
  13. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Thank you. So they are based in how much HP rather than different types like mounting points. I saw a turbo where they made it a point to show that it had no tabs for bolts to mount to the stand. That made me question if there were differences that I needed to be concerned about. If it doesn't...
  14. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    None as of yet. I am still waiting in the new IPR and ICP, then I will pull the Turbo. I just yesterday got it behind the RV gate. I was going to ask if it is an issue if I try to start it with the turbo off so if it doesn't fire I can go straight to the HPOP. Also is there only 1 turbo for...
  15. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Thank you. I bought the blue springs kit and will do that as well. While it is torn down I figure at least looking over the HPOP may be a good idea if for no other reason to replace with new seals. A new FCIM is a lot cheaper than an oil pump and I may just change that out later. Since the...
  16. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Nah I totally understand why you cannot make a definitive diagnosis without being right here. I supposed then I should start with pulling the Turbo because I did not like seeing melted plastic like the Turbo is getting too hot. I can see how that will damage the IPR and ICP as well as potential...
  17. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Wiring look good and is connected at Injector #1 Sent from my KB2007 using Tapatalk
  18. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    So if driving down the road it surges and cuts out and keeps running while driving that may be the IPR? Before thus mess I had that happen a few times intermittently. Then like my experience now that it wouldn't start at the car wash and then finally started and then started once again in the...
  19. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    It only luckily started at has gas station and that one time in the driveway and then died never to start again. I will replace the ICP and the pigtail. I had no intention of leaving it that way. I thought that if it was a no start then it was the HPOP? Now I am totally confused. Sent from...
  20. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Okay. I unplugged the ICP sensor not the IPR valve. Actually the plug ended up breaking off while trying to remove it in the crazy tight space. Got it all back together and NO START... So I suppose the issue is the HPOP then? I was hoping for once it would be something simple. Looks like I...
  21. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    I will be pulling everything out of the way today to get the ICP unplugged, but since fuel came up again, I wanted to mention something. One thing that seems consistent in reading about signs of a bad ICP is terrible fuel economy. Our last trip from Reno to Yellowstone and back before the no...
  22. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Okay. That is why I would never jump the gun and buy something without knowing what I am replacing. Thanks for the confirmation. Sent from my KB2007 using Tapatalk
  23. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Sounds good. If it comes to that it will habe to be my winter project working between storms. Doing it myself will save a ton and then I can afford an upgraded HPOP. I was getting confused seeing the two different pump for an 2004 6.0L. Below pics are the 2 different HPOP's that claim to be...
  24. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    I appreciate the help. I realized that I remembered where the ICP is when I was having the injector issues. I will have to get to that plug this Saturday. Either pull the coolant pressure container and the FICM or try to get the heat shield off from the bottom to get to it the plug. If the HPOP...
  25. B

    Start/No Start then Start/No Start. Not Fuel Filters...

    Is there someplace up front to unplug the ICP or am I going to have to unplug and remove the FICM and reach to the rear behind the turbo to disconnect? Sent from my KB2007 using Tapatalk

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