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  1. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    You? ...doing too much to your truck? That's a stretch if I ever heard one. :lmao :lmao :lmao
  2. hheynow

    injector ?????

    The 49 states federal have single shots but the California OBS came with split shots. Mine is federal.
  3. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    It's not cool to keep secrets from your SDD brothers. -popcorn
  4. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Using it to collect all my cut up oak rounds to drop near my log splitter. I'm on my 4th load. :sly
  5. hheynow

    I'm Here! Oldgringo

    Umm, I think you meant pre '98 :deal Sometimes I get it right! ;tu
  6. hheynow

    I'm Here! Oldgringo

    Great user name. ;tu Welcome to SDD
  7. hheynow

    Hi I'm PHX F250 and I'm a Dieselholic

    Garaged its whole life by an elderly couple BUT it has no turbo so it's slow as a turtle so I named him Yurtle. :D
  8. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    . Then Stephen I'll fly you out here to do mine. I'll take the SDD discount but don't yet qualify for the AARP.
  9. hheynow

    Announcement Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and now Michael Jackson

    If I was Elvis I'd beat the crap out of her for saying "I do". :D Personally I can't believe they ever consummated :sly their marriage.
  10. hheynow

    Hi I'm PHX F250 and I'm a Dieselholic

    Hi I'm hheynow the resident vegoilaholic. :sly :D Welcome to SDD
  11. hheynow

    Announcement Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and now Michael Jackson

    To piss of Billy Mays in his final moment means packing his coffin with Sham-Wows. :lmao Boy, he sure hated his competition's product.
  12. hheynow

    Announcement Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and now Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson's death means one less child molester to worry about.
  13. hheynow

    Aftermarket seat covers

    Seat Covers Unlimited :: Ford Seat Covers
  14. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    I drove it just to get a break from the Mercedes. Power vs Comfort :confused: What a dilemma. :lmao Damn I love my truck! ;tu
  15. hheynow

    I need somebody in Nashville punched in the nose!!

    This is gonna be good. Keep us informed. ;tu
  16. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    I sold a spare driver's side door panel to jspd234 .
  17. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Murphy's Law in action. :D
  18. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Replaced an in line fuse holder on one of my 12v vegoil heaters. The 30amp flat fuse crystallized and melted the housing. Went to a 40 amp fuse.
  19. hheynow

    Facebook? Myspace?

    ^ Yup, Google Earth rocks! ;tu
  20. hheynow

    ordering a transmission cooler

    Hayden Transaver Plus, extra heavy duty & standard installation kit Makco Transmission Parts It sure looks like a beefy one ;tu but is it a LPD ( low pressure drop) design?
  21. hheynow

    Facebook? Myspace?

    Old school? How about just plain old! :pb :D Stephan I don't own a DVD player because my VCR hasn't been used in 10 years so obviously getting one will only get dusty as well. My cell phone does not even have a camera. I just got off dial-up last month and went satellite. I do have HD satellite...
  22. hheynow

    Facebook? Myspace?

    Nope none. ;tu My cyber babble is limited to forums and email. I say enough for many life times. Twittering is for dweebs. Who cares that you had an ice cream cone at 4pm? MySpace is for gen-X. I'm way too old for that. Will you be my cyber friend? :D Facebook? No interest. BTW, I don't text...
  23. hheynow

    Happy Birthday Kevin!

    Happy Birthday Kevin When I needed the CRUMM smilie it was no where to be found. :dunno
  24. hheynow

    Pic Of my New RV

    Carbon fiber and Kevlar all around? :dunno :D

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