I find it refreshing that someone, who probably lost more straws than all of us combined, figured out how to make a low tech gizmo that makes him money. :clap:
And Crumm who found it for us! :sweet
exhaust back pressure valve
Under the turbo you'll see a connecting rod. Where it connects to the left part of the turbo there is a butterfly flap (ebpv) inside that housing. During cold ambient starts a sensor closes the flap allowing faster warm up time. When you drive with it closed you hear...
Got the neutral safety switch from Ford but initially they sold me the wrong part even though I gave them the correct year and VIN. The F7TZ-7F293-AA has the wrong size connector and the pins are different than the correct part which is F5TP-7F293-AA which has a new numbered box SW-5063...
Try starting it in park and see if the idle is smoother. I have a similar problem as when I start it in park I have the romps (Not me...my truck! :D). The tach jumps from 500 to 1000 and the engine shakes until I rev it up then it settles to a smooth idle. When I start it in neutral I have a...
Ordered it (F7TZ-7F293AA) from Ford for Monday delivery.
They call it a neutral safety switch or transmission range sensor.
Having it installed. Some things I just won't mess with.
But until then, starting it in neutral works just fine with a perfectly smooth idle. :sweet
The latest rest of story. Gosh I hate throwing parts at her. :D After changing the CPS and GPR the truck still had the romps at startup. Then I tried starting it in neutral. Bingo...beautiful smooth idle with no romps. Started it again in park and the romps returned. So my problem is the...
If it's an automatic drill a 3/4" hole through the black diamond shaped clutch plate. It's obvious once you open the hood. Mine is crammed with wires. :D
I upgraded to a 200 amp alternator in my '97 because I run on vegoil and my 12v heaters draw a lot of amps. I put in a second charge cable (alternator to positive). I never looked back.
I thought the '97 had a check valve to prevent HPOP reservoir draining?
I think I narrowed it down to a fuel restriction. A bit more background info. When the truck died (wouldn't restart) in the post office parking lot the other day (just prior to my tow home) I noticed the 12 inches of J30R9...
Recently when I start it the tach jumps from 500 to 1000 rpms and back down and up and the truck shakes. When I press the go pedal the idle smooths out at just over 500 rpm. I just changed my CPS five minutes ago but still have the jumpy tach at idle ONLY AT START UP. My fuel filter was just...
My family stopped doing turkey years ago. Nobody wants the leftovers. This year we had rack of lamb, asparagus, steamed yams and salad. Last year was steamed lobster with corn on the cob. ;tu
Me too...several acres adjacent to my house.. Cutting, splitting, stacking and burning wood heats you four times :sweet, does not support the Chinese economy and is free except for the cost of chains, gasoline and bar oil.