Recent content by drmjf

  1. drmjf

    Question 6.0 glowplug harness?

    My nephews 05 f250 went to the dealer to check out a check engine light on. They found the following codes: p0261, p0611,& p0674. Has anyone run into this problem?:dunno
  2. drmjf

    One less B-17

    It's to bad it went down. Thank God and the pilot no one was hurt. My buddy flew on that same plane when it was in Oakland/Hayward, CA
  3. drmjf

    What was your very FIRST car?

    My first one was a 59 MGA when I was 15. My Mom was driving it home when the engine failed. I learned a lot replacing that engine. Car was fun but never never a british car again.
  4. drmjf

    Php or bully dog

    I have a PHP tuner, I love it the 80dd added 3 mpg and has great acceleration.
  5. drmjf

    stuck thermostat?

    First, the factory dash gauge is computer controlled then the engine temp get above 160 degrees it show normal temp. Second the temp sender center should not move at all. Replace it.
  6. drmjf

    Fuel leak,top of motor at rear

    I had a 97 before the 99. The fuel pump has a weep hole if the pump diaphragm starts to leak, feel around the pump for fuel. Hope this will help.
  7. drmjf

    Coolant Temp sender/gauge question

    I run with a coolant temperature. My understanding is that the computer sets the gauge reading. I have gone to above 240 degrees and my stock gauge never went above 1/2.
  8. drmjf

    Question Best programmer

    I have a PHP chip with the 65 hp towing and 80 hp daily driver and 1200 rpm calibrations. The 80hp raised my freeway MPG by 3 mpg. I went from 14.5 to 17.5 mpg. It feels like a gas truck when I punch it. Before I bought it I called and talked to, I think it was Cody, about what I needed and what...
  9. drmjf

    Coolant service intervals

    NPG+ coolant I have been using the NPG+ for three years. I like it. It runs at 210 F with ZERO pressure. Smells odd, changes colors after a while to a dark brown, but works great.:thumbs
  10. drmjf

    Question Radio

    Go to the nearest parts store and buy a set of ford radio removal tools. They are specially shaped to remove the radio.
  11. drmjf

    CCV Modification for 7.3L

    There is a "certified diesel tech" that has less between his ears than the guy who certified him. If that's possible
  12. drmjf

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Today I installed a HF ham radio, repaired the driving & fog lights so they now work. Changed the oil last week, replaced the air filter and the most important thing installed a PHP 6 position chip. The truck likes it.
  13. drmjf

    Are the Optima's worth it?

    I had optima's in my truck lasted about 3 years. The posts cracked. I went with interstate's.
  14. drmjf lock or to unlock?

    I rid of both problems with the hubs. The locking and costly hub bearings. I replaced both with Dynatrac hubs. Dynatrac:sweet
  15. drmjf

    Help Needed Steering Box Jamb Nut

    Adjusting the steering box. Try this method. 1 Jack up the front end until the wheels are just off the ground. 2 start the engine and move the steering wheel from lock to lock. 3 try to loosen the adjusting stud while moving the wheel back and forth. 4 hopefully this will allow the...

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