I've always talked UP, G/Cell (Optima's). Now I'm not so sure. The 2 yellow top 850cca Batts I had, both crapped out on me. Had'm for 34 of their 36 month (Sears) life expectancy.
Lately, it's been in the 20s at night here in CenCal. I began to notice my truck being slow to turn over & fire up, I plugged him in.. same thing. Yesterday morning he turned over 'bout 8 revs, the batteries Croaked.
Hooked up the Booster, fire him up and scurried to Sears.
The Manager at Sears sez: the don't carry G/Cell type batts anymore cuz they've had to many "Bring Backs" due to failure to hold a charge. Premature failure. Said I was lucky, most >Ford< Diesels with G/Cells don't last as long.
Specifically: Diesel applications with 2 Batteries. They just don't hold up... what with Glow Plugs and then turning over a High Commpression Diesel engine, (kinda his words but made sense to me) Who knows how many times. Not to say ALL G/Cells are bad, but "Bring Back" data has made Sears decide to go to, primarily an AGM type Battery, for anything other than a Lead Acid type.
Anyway.. They Warantied (not much) the G/cells, I payed the diff, for 2, 960cca, Group 65, AGM type Die Hard-Platinum's.
Thought I'd pass it on.
Now, This is just ONE Sears guy, but for those of you that are in the New Battery Buying mode ? Maybe ask a few questions..
before you buy ?? What ever Type you buy
I forgot how fast my 2K will turn over.. With Good Batteries.

Lately, it's been in the 20s at night here in CenCal. I began to notice my truck being slow to turn over & fire up, I plugged him in.. same thing. Yesterday morning he turned over 'bout 8 revs, the batteries Croaked.
Hooked up the Booster, fire him up and scurried to Sears.
The Manager at Sears sez: the don't carry G/Cell type batts anymore cuz they've had to many "Bring Backs" due to failure to hold a charge. Premature failure. Said I was lucky, most >Ford< Diesels with G/Cells don't last as long.
Specifically: Diesel applications with 2 Batteries. They just don't hold up... what with Glow Plugs and then turning over a High Commpression Diesel engine, (kinda his words but made sense to me) Who knows how many times. Not to say ALL G/Cells are bad, but "Bring Back" data has made Sears decide to go to, primarily an AGM type Battery, for anything other than a Lead Acid type.
Anyway.. They Warantied (not much) the G/cells, I payed the diff, for 2, 960cca, Group 65, AGM type Die Hard-Platinum's.
Thought I'd pass it on.
Now, This is just ONE Sears guy, but for those of you that are in the New Battery Buying mode ? Maybe ask a few questions..

I forgot how fast my 2K will turn over.. With Good Batteries.