wrecked my quad today


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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well while surfing the internet the other night i watched videos of quads and dirtbikes riding on top of a pond.well while riding today at the pits in brockton i decided to try it.the "puddle"(could be classified mas a pond) was about 40-50 feet long,20-25 feet accross and about 4 feet deep in most of the middle of it.

well i went at it 3 rd gear full throttle:burnit .i was like WOW IM DOING IT!!!!!! :D then i felt the nose drop and was like oh CRAP!!!so as the rear end started comeing up i bailed.i jumped off over the bars.as i hit the water the seat hit me in the ahs.:eek: :eek:

i got up and stood in the water up to waist lookin for my quad.and there it was about 5 feet away from me upside down and floating.i tipped it back over and it was still floating and somehow i lost my hood.

i sent my buddy stumpy to get a chain off my truck to pull me out of the water and back to the truck.as he was going i found my hood floating on the other end of the puddle,the end i shouldve be driving out of.

we get back to the truck to drain my airbox,dry my plug and see if it still ran.it had water halfway up the intake snorkle thingy.stumpy pulled the drain tube off and about 2 gallons of water came out of my airbox.we tipped it up on its grab bar so the water can drain out of the motor and exhaust.used the exhaust of my truck to dry the air filter.then we tipped it up on its front bumper to drain the spark plug hole.

we finally got it running after a few miniutes.and of course i didnt bring the video camara this weekend.but now i know that if i decide to try this again but at a lake my quad will float and not sink:D .stumpy said i made it half way across before crashing.so i drove about 20-25 feet on top of the water!!

kinda sucked wrecking but man WHAT A RUSH!!!!!! :sweet :sweet :sweet :sweet :thumbs :thumbs

i ride a 2005 honda 400EX


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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I do that on my banshee in the sand dune. Only wrecked once. Im usually in 4th or 5th wide open, and I sit as far back on the grab bar as I can and still hang onto the bars. Whatever you do, dont let off the throttle!

And yes, almost all quads float, but they usually flip upside down and all you get is 4 wheels sticking out of the water.

We've sunk a few quads down in the south from getting into too deep of water or mud and forgetting to water wheely. Usually end up having to change the oil in the parking lot before riding again.


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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everytime i decide to do something dumb like this i forget to grab the camara before leaving the house.but i wasnt planning to do it.all i was gonna do is drive through the middle cuz my buddy stumpy didnt think i did it,so i was gonna do it again and well for some reason i came up with the idea of trying to drive on the water and just went for it.

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