SDD Super Mod/Staff
welcome ward, how's the BEAV?
glad your here at

glad your here at

CSIPSD said:Biggest down pipe for a OBS is a 3"... Unless you want to pull the motor and do some fire wall mods.. A 3" is tight as hell. Pre turbo, 1250 is what I run as a max EGT for any time, I will touch 1400 for a few seconds passing or racing.
With a OBS dont expect more then 70-100 hp with any chip... You will need to upgrade injectors to get more then that
CrAacKker said:I have a 03 F250 7.3 stock motor, I have found custom burned chips with up to 145 hp increase. Is this horsepower not possible unless I upgrade my injectors?
CSIPSD said:Yes and no... The OBS (old body style) trucks will see only a 70-80 hp increese with any chip-tuner. They are limited by the smaller injectors, smaller turbo, and lack of an intercooler. They are upgradable but thats what the first poster was talking about
Now on to yours, You have a 03, best HPOP (high pressure oil pump), good. But you will still see no more then 350-360 rwhp without drugs with the stock injectors and or stock HPOP. Most chips will top off at about 120-130 hp with all the supporting mods.
For referance, I have put down 350-365 hp with the mods in my sig...with a strong batch of water-meth...
CSIPSD said:Injectors for a PSD are in the $1200-$2200 range, depending on type, used parts or all new.
You can find a dual HPOP for about $1300+ or -. Bob at Dieselsite has a new single pump comming out soon, should be able to run any aftermarket injectors short of true 530's.
My TQ has been between 800-860, differant dyno's...