For several years we pulled doubles(travel trailer and boat)down to Valdez for our annual silver fishing trip. We never had any hassle from the law but many people have told me "you can't do that". We have since sold the boat because we outgrew it but are thinking about picking up a new one. Question is where do I find out just what the law is regarding pulling doubles in Alaska. I have searched and searched and all I can find is all the laws about pulling doubles with a commercial vehicle. I cannot find anything that says I can or cannot do it with my personal vehicle. I pull double 45ft vans and flatbeds all the time with a commercial vehicle so I have the proper license endorsements but I just don't have any proof that it is OK to do non-commercially. I have found r/v sites that list states that allow doubles but they don't list where they got there information. I have also heard that some states such as California allow it as long as the first trailer is a fifth wheel and in some states the second trailer must be a boat. Just where does a guy go to get a copy of the law? I have asked a couple of state troopers about it and they just kinda shrug and say "I think it is OK". I would just like a copy of something that says it is OK in-case I run into a hard nose one of these days. I would hate to have to leave half my outfit alongside the road.