rray32539 said:
Ford pushed the envelope with the 6.0 engine in the horsepower war with GM and Daimler/Chrysler, and adding a tuner can over-stress the engine.
What?!?!?! I guess I don't agree... You can't build something thats just within tolerances and hand it to the general public!!! A Indy race car isn't available at your local dealership...Why?... Because you can't put that kind of fine tuned (not to mention fast) car in just anyone's hands!! A motor, especially a working motor, has to be bombproof. That's the bottom line. This pansy crap doesn't cut it! Lets make something that lasts!!
rray32539 said:
My truck does what I want, goes as fast as I want it to go, and pulls what I want it to pull without the addition of a tuner. My truck had lousy fuel economy until it hit the 20,000 mile mark, I'm now getting average 17 mpg without the trailer, 13 with the trailer.
I don't have 20,000 on it. If it'll run long enough to get 5,000 more on it, I'll have to see if it improves. And mine pulls great, too. But a tuners upper settings aren't for towing. They're for ripping it up if you want to. Not for every day. With the Edge you can monitor vital fuctions of the engine and tranny, which is critical. That is one of the main reasons I bought it. I just use the computer to monitor instead of individual probes and gauges!
rray32539 said:
IMHO adding a tuner to a 6.0 is just asking for problems. But to each his own.
I don't think you understand what I'm saying here. The parts failing on my truck are "PRE-MOD FAILURES". The truck broke BEFORE the mods. Yeah, I added a tuner later (Running only 40 h.p. over stock...Keep in mind that some intake, exhaust, Synthetic oil and good fuel combos could produce almost that much power WITH OUT the tuner!). The same pre-tuner failed part (injector) failed after the addition of the tuner. Fords excuse..."Well we have better luck with some trucks than with others." My rebuttal...so my 50 grand buys a crappier truck than Joe Blow because "We have better luck with some trucks?" IMHO...CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!
rray32539 said:
But damage from tuning that does NOT make the engine a POS. Properly maintained and left stock, the 6.0 should provide a long and productive service life.
Yes, you might expect that a stock engine would last longer. Mine has not. I have maintained it, and it has failed 4 times in one aspect or another. I personally know guys who have modded (Intake, Exhaust, Programmers, lift kits, etc.) Cummins getting 29 MPG (Best) 22 MPG (average) With 150,000 miles plus!! No problems. I agree that tuning damage does not make an engine a POS...But, an engine that cannot run right un-modded, with the manufacturer obviously aware of the problem, is bunk!!-mad
rray32539 said:
Good luck with your negotiations with the dealer and Ford, draftlover. I really hope it goes your way.
Well, the dealer is about two weeks behind on repairs now. So
They said "It might be a week or so, but we'll get it in ASAP",
and whats going on with my truck is
"Somewhat common. We have better luck with some trucks than with others."
I asked if the injectors are re-designed.
"No, they are new or rebuilt, but the same style of injector.
Sooo...Why use the same part(injector) if it doesn't work right?
"That's the way it is.Ford says they fail because inferior fuel is being used with low cetane values and allowing gelling in the cold. Ford recommends this [$7 dollar a bottle, treats 125 gallons] cetane booster in every tank and this
[$7 dollar a bottle, treats 125 gallons] anti- gel when its cold. Ford does not recommend any other additives."
I'm calling bull on this one. A diesel should run an any pump fuel.(I use good fuel Shell, Flying J and add cetane booster and anti-gel...just not Ford's.) Maybe better on some than others, but it should run. A filter may need to be changed here and there if the fuel is crappy, but injector shouldn't go out left and right. Bottom line, lame excuse for crappy parts.
Can I have you replace all of the injectors?
"No. Ford tests them when we send them in. If they have not failed we don't get paid."
If I call corporate and complain, will they make it right?
"I doubt it they don't budge much on this issue.You can try."
You realize if this happens again in the next year. The trucks a lemon under the 'Lemon Law'?
I get a shoulder shrug.
"Do you need a rental car?", they said.
Yes, but I need something with 4-wheel drive. I live on 7 miles of dirt road, and when it snows or rains, I can't get in or out with a car.
"We don't have 4-wheel drives for rentals."
Can you get me one, I said.
"No. We don't have them."
O.K., Whatever, I say. And I walk out of the dealership.
Customer service #1!!! And they wonder why their stock is the lowest out of any U.S. Car Manufacturer!! I think if my sales were in the ****ter, I would want to keep people coming in and promoting my merchandise. Not smack talking it. On the one hand, Maybe I'm being a little bitch and I should relax and shut up. On the other hand, Maybe I'm getting screwed and have the right. I don't know. I guess only time will tell. One more and the law is on my side!!!