Tag on valve cover????
I just opened my hood and tried to look at the passenger side valve cover.... Could not see anything... You guys must have better eye site than me. I could see what looked like a comuter on both valve covers, but besides that I could hardly see anything. With the engine set back so far, it would be a nightmare to try and fix anything on it. I remember the day when you would open the hood and see ground on both sides of the engine. Not any more. Of course that was back in 1949. I was young then, but could remember looking down my dad's truck to see a straight inline six. The ground was visible. Replace points, condensor, plugs and wires, and all was good again. I am sure glad to have a 3 year warrentee on my 06. It would be nice to know if they put a late model April 06 engine in my truck, but they could have put an 05 engine that they had laying around. Any way to know for sure?