dmftoy1 said:
I just got back from 2200 miles in 8 days and while I like to tow around 59mph it seems like it's much easier on the truck to run about 64mph. At 59 I have it shifting in/out of OD (unless I turn the OD off), and it seems like my EGT's get much higher on a hill. At 64mph it never leaves OD (even in the hills of Virginia) and the the EGT's stay in a nice sweet spot. (just curious what you're all seeing?)
(9500lbs GVW for the trailer, W/D Hitch)
Have a good one,
Last time I towed on a trip was when my family moved to Florida and back to Texas ten months later, but thats another topic. I was pulling the 24' bumper pull enclosed white trailer in my vBGarage photo's. That heavy thing (2x4 square 11 ga tubing every 18" under steel floor, diesel generator, full cabinets, etc.) levels my truck to the overload springs when it's empty. It's empty in the picture, I loaded a 3 bedroom house in it, as much of the weight possible over it's axles. I weighed 23K at a truck stop on the way. That trip on I-10 is fairly flat and 1300 miles each way by myself. I ran 70-75 with no chip or tuner at the time, only airiad, 4", and tripillar and drove in 12 hour spurts, I got between 8-10 mpg but didn't care, I just wanted to get there. I ran between 6-10 boost, 600-800 egt (after turbo), and 125-140 on the tranny.