I just got home from work and am half asleep so this is probably a dumb question but why can't you just remove the filter and screw the lid back on without adding the chunk of aluminum inside the bowl?
and why not, praytell?I'm not yet ready for Stage 1s.
Your filters have arrived. They left you a first notice in your PO Box.
and why not, praytell?
not trying to be a wiseass; there has to be some legit reason why you're
holding off..
Put your wallet where your mouth is.JLDickmon said:and that's it. No mods.
Your filters have arrived. They left you a first notice in your PO Box.
could get away with B100 but my truck runs so much better on B20 that I decided to go with that blend for a while.
You are saying your truck runs better on B20 than B100?
Is it really that noticeable? Yes, power is noticeably better, acceleration is noticeably faster and boost numbers are noticeably higher.
Mileage?Don't care. It's only startup and shut down fuel.
Idle? About the same rpms.
Filter clogging what? The commercial BioD is not the culprit. The WVO is.
Engine noise? Yup, louder than on B99.
Oh you use the B20 for startup and shut down and the diff you are seeing is over the WVO?, that I can understand.