It is


all around our house. A quick 15 minute drive west of us it is around 4.59....These are mostly speedways...I cant understand how the same stations seperated by mere minutes could yield in such a big difference in price

. ???
I'm told by a gal that's the Gen Manager of a Big, area Gas Station/Truck Stop that pricing has a lot to do with Demographics. "They" know what the Income levels are in a given area, traffic flow.... it's Location, Location, Location.
"Back In The Day".. When fuel was less (as compared), we consumers would drive 10 miles to save a Buck on something. NOW we need to realize.. that 20 mile (round trip) will cost us $4.00+, soon to be, $5.00 bucks +.. to save that Buck.
Those dayz'r gone for us now. We buy our fuel at the local station (Card Lock) for whatever the current (hourly

) price is. driving 'cross town to save .04 + cents.. just don't make sense (cents) anymore. We're making "Re-supply Runs", once a week or so... and buying "Reserve Supplies" of priority consumables. (like Beer, Soda's, Ice-Cream, Beer, Bread, Milk and Beer

I payed $4.38, per for #2. (2 weeks ago) and fill up @ a halfa tank.... So it don't hurt so bad.