GPS install
Installed a Garmin 465T GPS.. for Big Trucks.. over the past few days... for towing the 5r.
Loaded in that I'm a Truck & trailer, 13.6' high, 8' wide, 50' long and weigh 18.8K.
Should help keep us outa trouble. (been there acoupla times

Played around with the location.. ended up mod'n the bracketry and mounting it.... down and to the right of the dash gage cluster, but the GPS unit can still be removed.. outa Sight, outa Mind.
I like it.
Life is Good.
* Due to Highway Junction signs being blocked & hidden by Tree limbs... ended up taking the DRW & 5r up the "Loop", and in-front of... the Capital Building... in Madison WI. once. The Security folks didn't like that... [Escorted] us outa there (with lights) and back.. on our way...

( Hmmmm..Wunder if they Trimmed those Tree's ?)