What car wax do u use?

Late Innings

SDD Junior Member
Oct 12, 2006
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Memphis, TN
Meguires 3 step by hand. It takes days to complete doing one piece at a time (all 3 steps) and I'm right in the middle of it now but this truck didn't look this good the day they glued a big sticker on the passenger side window.
I do it once a year and I'm always amazed!


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
I haven't waxed one in awhile, but the last time, I used Nu-Finish in the orange bottle. It's easily applied and goes on alot faster than the other brands. Of course, I would also call it the "lazy man's" wax since it's so easy. I don't think it lasts as long as some of the other waxes and polishes, but it does make the water "bead up" when it rains. Another way (and you all are going to think I'm crazy) is to take a 2 gallon bucket of water (plain, no soap) and add about a half cup of kerosene (lamp oil will also work). Then take a terry cloth and dip it in to the "mixture" and wipe down a quarter panel, then go right behind it with a dry terry cloth. Then go to the next section/quarter panel and repeat the process. When you finish, the vehicle is washed and waxed. You won't have to use a hose to "pre wash" or rinse, so you're also saving water. I read this many years ago (early 70's) in a "Hints From Heloise" column. My dad had a 1970 F-100 that was starting to fade (we didn't have a carport), and I tried this. When I finished, it shined like it was brand new (it was Candyapple Red with a White top). I've done this many times since with other vehicles with similar results.

Butch Cassidy

Full Access Member
Jan 12, 2006
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Chelmsford, Mass
:)No waxing for me. Tried them all -Meguires, Mothers, Turtle Wax, they just don't hold up, especially in these hard, long New England winters. A lot of road salt and sand will quickly deplete the wax job on the truck.

So, I been trying a different approach, which my wife asked me about - Zaino Bros. products, which I been using for the last 2 years.

Granted, it is more time consuming (8 - 10 hrs) to apply than the above mentioned products, but I do the Zaino approach 1x in the spring, 1x in the fall.

I got to say I and really impressed with the showroom finish I get on a 8 YEAR OLD TRUCK!!

In between applications, all I do is take the truck to the car wash - good as new.

I like the way the Zaino process removes the fine scratches that get in the clearcoat after a short period of time.

My wifes' car is black, which shows up any minor scratches real easily. the Zaino process makes it like it just got out of the showroom!

We are both very happy consumers in the use of this product line.

Hopes this helps,

Butch Cassidy


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Feb 14, 2006
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Swansea Ma 02777
The best wax that I have ever used is the meguiars nxt generation synthetic polymer. I am an auto detailer by trade. I have applied this wax to my truck as to all of my clients vehicles. I have one client that has this wax on his 08 superduty it has been on there for 6 months, I wash his truck sometimes 2 times a week and it still beads up like I just put on the wax.;tu
((((((((((((((((( MEGUIARS 21 SYNTHETIC POLYMER )))))))))))))))
I 2ND, THIS!!!!!! If you never used this you got to try it!! going down the road in the rain it just blow dryes all the water off and its no joke. and it will last 6 months even in the new england winter

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