what can i do w/out getting rid if the warranty


High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
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Sewanee, TN
dpantazis said:
and the name of that law is .....?
Magnuson-Moss. Example: If the manufacturer requires that only factory authorized parts be used and service be performed at factory authorized repair shops or your warranty is void, that is an unfair trade practice and it is illegal, among other things. But there are gray areas in that law. Read up.

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Earl needs B100
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
I'm with Whataburger on this, YOU PLAY YOU PAY.

Why drive up costs for the OEM on already expensive azz trucks! They warranty stock power that some of the 6ohs even puke on, I've seen it first hand on the side of the road to the stockyard numerous times.:eek: They don't warranty the "capability" of the truck. You turn it up it SHOULD be on your dime, why commit fraud IMO. A good tech with Ford WDS and NGS computers can "see" a bump in tuning. Remember, most remove rev and speed limiters.

Off soap box now.:D


GOD Bless America!
Apr 6, 2005
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West Point, NY
roosterdiesel said:
why commit fraud IMO.

Fraud? Maybe if you lie through your teeth and say you've never had a tuner and the tech isn't smart enough to detect it. But if they ask and you tell them you've got one, then it becomes a judgement call on the part of the service manager....not fraud. Remember, if you leave the truck tuned and the dealership flashes it, the tuner is then useless. So setting it back to stock has more than one purpose.


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
roosterdiesel said:
I'm with Whataburger on this, YOU PLAY YOU PAY.

He enters stage left:sly

I had a wonderful ride, a 2002 with the world famous 7.3 powerhouse,
extended warranty. I ran my tuner in it for over 60k miles.
three warranty repairs
2 pinion input seals, one IDM ground wire
did my predator cause these issues NOPE
Did i run my truck in high HP loads??
a few times
but mostly stayed in the 40 hp tow load. ran the 65 and 85 a few times
I had and left on my HUTCH external regulator and hoses
was asked once if i had a tuner installed. during the idm troubleshooting.
i failed to answer because the tech was a known quantity of A## parts.-mad
did the tuner cause the idm to loose ground at the fender well ???
NOPE it was all ME,:D :doh: i left it loose when installing some lights.

I was very concerend about my warrnaty so i loaded the tuner but drove in a manner not to break stuff that may be questionable

Today with my 6.00000000
the entire warranty issue and breakage rate is preventing me from getting a tuner TODAY,

So in closing
IF your going to play be prepared to pay.
these puppies cost to darn much $$$

Can we run tuners in the 6.00000 or any other truck and not have warranty concerns? yes
its called responsibility for ones actions, I know we havent seen this in a LOOOOOONG time.
Just becausse you load a tuner or chip. doesnt mean your warranty is automatically voided.
get to know your dealer, earn his/her ( the best service write i ever had was a women, very knowledgable) respect show them that your not a loose cannon.
gauges are good, it lets folks know you might actually know what they are for.

in summary
think of it like drinking a beer
beer doesn't get you the DUI?
irresponsibility does.

beer didnt get your girlfriend pregnant?
irresponsibility does.

one more tidbit about warranties
look at all the truck dealerships that sell trucks already lifted as part of a dealer addded package...
who picks up the warranty cost on this if it causes, say a u-joint to fail? will they give you a sheet of paper to sign acknowledging your warranty could be in jeapordy
NOT likely

exiting stage left
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Earl needs B100
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Well if your honest and the dealer is "cool" then that's great! I know several have tried the "lie through your teeth" bit.

I'm just saying don't go to a dealer puking coolant knowing you have two boxes stacked. Be responsible and know what you cause. I do know that the trucks I've seen stock puking on the road don't have gauges. :dunno

I asked my dealers to check mine over just before the 100k was up. They recognized the truck from the strip and started laughing. All I wanted was a code scan really. They wouldn't touch it, 3 dealers.:dunno


Jun 12, 2005
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I just wanted to add one thing. I did not metion that I put a 4" exhaust, airaid, and gauges on my truck before it had 100 miles on it. Those kind of mods do not hurt the truck, they infact help it IMO. That could have been argued by Ford, but it wasn't and I had some warranty items taken care of with no issues, or questions asked. Maybe they looked for signs of a chip, and found none? The point I'm trying to make is that you should think about what you are doing to your truck that might sacrifice its longevity. If you push the limits, and it breaks, don't expect someone else to pay for your mistake. Bryan

ranger boy

Banned User
May 1, 2005
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whatabudro said:
I just wanted to add one thing. I did not metion that I put a 4" exhaust, airaid, and gauges on my truck before it had 100 miles on it. Those kind of mods do not hurt the truck, they infact help it IMO. That could have been argued by Ford, but it wasn't and I had some warranty items taken care of with no issues, or questions asked. Maybe they looked for signs of a chip, and found none? The point I'm trying to make is that you should think about what you are doing to your truck that might sacrifice its longevity. If you push the limits, and it breaks, don't expect someone else to pay for your mistake. Bryan
Amen to that

I had a new exhaust with 120 miles LoL

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